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| Drugs | chapter three

| Had to give in, couldn't give up

I just want you, but I don't do drugs |

nessa's pov

jaden and i sat down across from mads and josh. they stared us down, glaring. mads looked at me, really mad. i was her best friend going on late night drives with her boyfriend.

i get it but i also don't at the time, we were just friends. she opened her mouth getting ready to repeat the same question she asked 10 times before. "what were you guys doing last night together?"

i rolled my eyes, jaden turned his head to me. his eyes showing he was exhausted and frustrated. he then turned back to mads, breathing out. "mads i told you already. just a quick escape from the studio. we were working for hours." jaden repeated for the last time.

i had enough, i quickly tapped jaden's hand softly, causing his attention to be on me as i stood up. "this is so fucking stupid, i'm done." i say, "let's go jaden, we aren't putting up with this shit."

i left the sway house, entering my car. jaden followed behind me and stepped into the passenger seat. "okay then." he chuckled.

"we're fucked." jaden breaths out, i roll my eyes.

"they won't do shit, unless they break up with us. but that's a win for us more for them." i shrug, jaden laughed as he nodded his head.


"the only thing i'm worried of losing is mads..she's my best friend. but also she has nothing to worry about we're just friends!" i exclaim.

"i'll talk to her later, let's just go to the studio right now." jaden brushes off the topic of mads. i know he technically kind of hates her. they are very toxic, so i don't blame him. i hate josh too. josh just gets so frustrating and only sees things from his perspective.

if i tell him how i feel he'll just make it about him and say, 'okay but what about me? how i feel doesn't not matter to you?' and he'd cause a argument for absolutely no reason.

it's exhausting and annoying. but i latch onto the relationship because i have a fear of being alone. but i think now it's time to face that fear, staying with josh would only bring me to my own downfall.

jaden and i arrived at the studio getting ready to record counting crimes. i open my phone to my notes and read off of it as i sang. i kept messing up and having to redo it every minute.

i got frustrated and completely gave up. jaden got up from the couch and sighed, "are you okay?" he asked, i looked up to the boy with his blue eyes already on me. my lips form a slight smile from his comfort.

"yeah..just distracted." i lie, well i was distracted—but because of mads and josh. i wasted my energy on them. i should've just got up and left but now i can't focus on what's more important.

"you sure?" jaden furrowed his brows, he now knows me way to well, more than i want him to know. "it's because of josh and mads, hm?"

i slowly nod, and he chuckled. he opens his arms out, initiating a hug. i walk closer to jaden, wrapping my arms around him and he does the same.

jaden smelled good, and he was a good hugger too. he knew how to comfort people without saying meaningful words. this helped a lot, it meant a lot. "i could tell you really needed a hug." he says while i'm still in his embrace.

"yeah i did..you're starting to know me well." i say as i smile. around him i really couldn't stop smiling, he makes me more happier than josh has ever made me. i really appreciate it that he cares for me.

jaden kisses me on my head and pulls away from the hug. "if josh is really dragging you down you should get away. that isn't healthy."

"i could say the same about you and mads." i grin, jaden chuckles as he jokingly rolled his eyes.

"i'll end it with her if you end it with josh." jaden put his hand out, indicating i should shake it to make a deal. i smirk while shaking it. "a deals a deal." he grinned.

our eyes met as our hands were still connected. everything about this boy was just likeable—in a friendly way—his eyes were easy to get lost in. he knows how to navigate his way through his words when talking confronting someone, or talking about his music.

already enough jaden's likeable but the fact that he has the same pure passion and love for music makes my heart melt for him even further. once again—as a friend. he once explained to me how his music helps him face his world in an easier way than actually facing it and that's what i learned from him with my music;

facing reality without actually facing it.

jaden also told me at one point theres a time where music can no longer face that reality for you and you have to do it yourself.

and that's exactly what i was doing with josh. josh was a problem for me ever since we got together the second time. but instead of breaking up with the boy, i used my problems to turn them into lyrics and made a song out of it.

people loved it, and it was a nice way of facing my world. but music can no longer help me face it, and it has come to a point where i need to break up with josh.

escape from the dark before it can drag me down, chew me up so there's no way of survival

but there's always that little light in the dark. the way of survival. and for me, one person comes to mind; jaden.

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