Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I seriously don't think I'd ever smiled so much in my life.

My mouth was hurting it had been in the same position for so long yet I didn't even care.

I was on top of the world.

He'd walked me home after our little moment by the tree and he'd kept a firm hold on my hand, making my heart flutter in my chest at the constant contact.

I could tell he was scared about what to do next, I mean does he not realise that I am to?

But I just wanted to live in this moment, finally feeling happy after such a long time of sadness.

He left me at my door with a small flutter of his lips against my cheek and I watched him walk back down the pavement, back to school and back to his band.

I sighed as I leaned against my front door and closed my eyes in pure happiness.

I jumped slightly when I heard my name being called.

"Mia Booth get your ass in here this instant." I looked up to where the voice was coming from and furrowed my brow in confusion when I saw Grace leaning out of her bedroom window, scowling at me slightly.

I laughed loudly at her expression and bounded over to her front door, walking in a little hesitantly and then running up her stairs towards her room.

"Mia Booth what the fuck was that? You don't think I just saw that little...little..." She shook her head, not able to find the word, "Whatever the fuck that was outside with a guy you were pissed at not five minutes ago." Her tone was serious but I could still see the glimmer of amusement in her eyes a she rambled quickly, "Now explain young lady."

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." I smirked evilly and lounged on her double bed, pulling the covers over my legs as I sighed in content.

"I swear to Jesus, if-" She was cut off suddenly by the sound of her bedroom door opening.

Her Dad stood in the doorway, his hair a little ruffled as if he'd forgotten to brush it that morning and his hands were shoved into his jeans pockets as he lounged against her door frame.

"Grace you're mother called," He smiled quickly at me when he saw me sat on the bed and then returned his attention back to his daughter, awaiting her reaction to his news.

"She told me to tell you she'll be back this weekend..." he said almost uncomfortably.

I'd come to discover that Grace's Mum often worked away from home and that this had caused many arguments between her and her daughter.

Grace resented her mother for never sticking by her family enough and I guess that caused tension between her family.

She always seemed to angry to talk about her in enough detail.

"Right, okay that' fine.." She looked down and frowned before looking back at her Dad, "But thanks for telling me." She smiled fondly at her father before coming over to sit by me on her bed.

He went to shut the door again but then stopped himself, looking back over at us.

"Have you eaten?" He looked pointedly at Grace and then skimmed his eyes over me, his face a serious mask.

I looked at her.

"Yep, ate at school." Grace replied casually, her eyes passive as she grabbed a book and started flipping through it.

I looked at her in confusion before looking back at her Dad who looked away before shutting the door muttering something under his breath.

"But I thought you didn't have time to grab anything?" I asked her, my voice showing my obvious confusion as I grabbed the book from her hands so she had to look at me.

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