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"Mommy!" I excitedly called out running to the familiar woman across the school yard.

I jumped up on her, hugging her legs untill she pulled me up and nuzzled her face into my neck.

"Hey my sweet kid. How are you doing?" She said softly

"Guess what? So when we were reading yoki and me found some scissors under the rug and we both gave eachother makeovers! It was so awsome, but I was nervous, until I saw how good it looked in the mirror. Except Ms. Yatzu didn't like it very much."

"OH r-really. Can I see it?"  My mom asked


I turned around as soon as she set me down so she could see the final product

She screamed

I couldn't tell if it was from exitment or if  she was just terrified. I like to think it was the first.

"My-my honey it looks, it's definitely something, huh?" She chuckled lightly stroking my hair with her delicate hands.

I smiled wide with my eyes glossed
with happiness.

End of Flashback

As I looked back on that day I couldn't help but think about the simple things that came out of each day. Even if if was something small or dumb. The simple things that would end up becoming precious memories ones that you would tell your grandchildren as you sat around the dinner table. Oh how I love the simple things.

I missed her. I missed her too much.

Whenever I start thinking about her I wanted to cry, but I never did.

How could I cry for her when she had always been so strong for me? I couldn't do it. Not when she wasn't here to tell me that everything was going to be okay.  I had to be strong too, even though sometimes it was hard to do.

They hurt her, they tortured my mom until there was nothing left of her. They only wanted one thing, and that thing was me, and they used me to do it, without me knowing it.

The real monsters were them. Them and there fake shiny facades that they put on display.

They make themselves out to be the real heros in this society, but they are far from it and I think that they know that.

That's why they are trying to use anything and  everything they can for the uprising they have yet to start.

But when I get my revenge I will make sure they  never forget how excruciating and painful it was after I'm finished.

Time skip

Ring Ring

Showers were my favorite time of the day. It was the only time I could fully relax,  and sometimes I would turn that relaxation into comfort.
That was the closest thing I could get to comfort. Here atleast in this dump of a place.

I couldn't wait until the day I can break free from this hellhole. When I do i'll make sure none of it survives. Absolutely nothing. 

As I exited the shower i caught a glimpse of  my reflection in the mirror. It was Something I didn't like the sight of, ever since my surgery in my left eye.

That day showed me that no one saw me as a human being but as a machine, a toy,  a puppet,  overall an object for their self gain.

A plan that I wanted no part in

Their experiments had turned me into an ugly being.

Scars covered my body, along with bruises, which I expected new ones each day. My eye was the worse part. I hated it terribly bad.

Whenever 'they' pressed that button of torture; I so badly wanted to rip my eye right out to make the pain go away. That caused scratches and bruising to form around my eye all of the time so I usually kept it hidden by an eyepatch.

After I finished getting ready I walked down the long hallway that connected my room to the bathroom

This hallway held more stories than an average old dude. This hallway had watched every second of my pitiful life. Everytime I was tossed or tased around.

Although, I'm glad that it wouldn't be able to share any of those secrets.. those memories.

As I went to bed that night I thought of a sunny day were I would be with my family and we all smiled as we played in the warm sand, every once in a while the water came up and tickled our feet. I felt safe. I felt loved,  Even if it was just mindless thinking. I suppose it was alright,  because atleast I was happy.

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