Chapter 3

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Years later 

1st person pov 

I watched the television sitting criss- cross on my bed, eating my daily prepared lunch.

After quite some time of begging for a t.v. They finally gave in to my pleading, which I was pretty ecstatic about, y’know years without any interaction with the outside world was starting to get to me. I guess now I enjoy being somewhat connected. 

I laughed at the humorous joke from the cartoon currently on, it reminded me of my own jokes and how I used to tell the ‘boss’ the oh so hilarious jokes  to receive silence in return. She definitely isn't the joking type I suppose. 

Other than that everyday was the same 

Wake up, eat breakfast, make my way to the lab for some tests, listen to the ‘boss’ ramble about her plans to make some old guy proud of her, go to the training grounds, each lunch (maybe have a break on a good day) experiments, shower, eat dinner, sleep, and repeat. 

That is what I lived by, a schedule destined for greatness. 

My future didn't seem like it would be great though. Nothing in my life was great. I lived a life full of regret and lies and once I leave this place, what would I do? This is all I know. 

I think I've watched enough t.v. programs to know that my everyday life was not normal. I wasn't normal, and if I did live outside these walls would anybody even accept me? Would they forgive me for all that I have done? Would they look past my many flaws? I found them normal, i mean i live with my problems every minute of every day so i guess i was bound to find myself normal, but quite often do i find myself wondering what it would be like to have something that i desire like a friend or someone i could trust with my flaws and i would know that they accepted me. 

When I was younger I tried to be that kind of someone for everybody else, yet it didn't work out in my favor. 

I was never the hero I tried to be, but like the ‘boss’ says “ A villain in the making” 

I believe her 

Because that is what i was becoming 


The bell sounded for the next daily activity. Time for experiments, just my daily checkup and modifications to my lovely asset. I made my way down to the changing room where I was to wear a gown that was thin enough to stick long needles through. Walking to the sliding door after I dressed myself was always the hardest part. Even after years of doing this you would think i would be used to this, but who was i kidding every time i neared this room my stomach felt like it was taking a swan dive off of a building. 

Everytime i think about it possibly being the last time. I would walk through this door and expect them to do something wrong, and then I would never wake up again. 

It made me think about my younger self. What would I be doing right now if these things hadn't happened to me? Like would i be studying for school dressed in some stupid little uniform, or would i be pestering my older brother begging him to bring me to the store to buy some snacks?

Maybe I would be reading…..actually probably not. I have desperately despised reading ever since the ‘boss’ made me read that one autonomy book. I don't think I could ever read a book again, but if it meant that I never had to have even just a flick of a thought about this place again then you would see me reading all day everyday. 

Finally I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath inching my hand towards the door handle. Opening up the door I found myself looking at 20 different people sitting around the large table that on a regular basis only about 3 including me sat at. 

Better off // Izuku X Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang