The visit

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The next day came and the 3 set of on their journey to meet with Asashi.

"Why do i have to go?" said Zenitsu

"Because i can't handle Inosuke alone" replied Tanjiro

"Monjirou hurry, we're almost there"

"And how do you know that, i have the map!!!"anouced zenitsu

"Zenitsu the inn is right here."said tanjirou

He was right they were now standing infront of the inn. The three rushed inside and there he was sitting in the lobby while reading a book Asashi.

"BROTHER!!!" screamed inosuke

"ONI-SAN YOU CAME TO VISIT" said Asashi with his usual high pitch voice

I no time the two brothers were alredy in a tight hug.


Authors not : I going to start writing the layout on the pages a little differently but the storyline will not change

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