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While the two brothers were hugging Zenitsu and Tanjirou were standing there still trying to proces what was going on. After a few minutes Tanjirou tried to separate the two "Hey guys sorry to burst your bubble but you stayed like that for 5 minutes alredy, maybe its time to switch up the activity?"said Tanjirou" Eeeeh!!! Come on its only been a couple of seconds" Replied Asashi

After a bit of convincing Inosuke and Asashi agreed to stop hugging. "Finally!" Zenitsu yelled out. "So Asashi what made you want to become a demon slayer?" Asked Tanjirou After a moment of silence he ansered "O-oh Its a little personal..." Replied Asashi. "I'm sorry for asking" "No, no its fine, its fine really. Its actually because of an old woman that use to come to the orphanage, she was really nice but she woudl always scare the kids with stories about demon and her fathers death. I wanted to make her proud and so i became a demon slayer." Was her father killed by a demon?!" asked a now slightly scared zenistu "Yea..."

"CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR MAKING ASASHI SAD?!" screamed Inosuke "I'm very sorry Asashi I got distracted and din't notice" said Tanjirou woringly "Like i said its fine no need to apoligise" replied Asashi "HEY I JUST NOTICED HOW THE HELL CAN YOU PRONOUNCE ASASHIS NAME CORRECTLY ?!" screamed Zenitsu "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I SAY ALL YOUR NAMES RIGHT!!! AND WHY ARE YOU USING SUCH LONG WORDS?!" "STOP YEALING" yelled tanjirou. There was a moment of silence before Asashi broke it with a rumbling sound comming from his stomach right after that the others stomachs followed like it was planned.

"I'm hungry, want to get some yakitori?" asked Asashi "Sure, why not" replied Zenitsu and just like that they were on their way to the shop. While they were walking Inosuke pulled Asashis shirt (like in the picture above) and whisperted to him "Whats yakitori?" "Its a kind of food dummy" Asashi whispered back.

Time skip to when they alredy ordered.

"Hey, what are your guyses names it would be a bit akward calling you earring boy and mop head" said Asashi "Oh how rude of me I'm Tanjirou Kamado and this is Zenistu" Their conversation got innterupted by the waiter who just came to give them their food.They all bit in to the scewers "This is delicious" said a now slightly suprised Zenitsu "Its the best food I've ever tasted" uttered Tanjirou "DELICIOUS" shouted Inosuke "Well it is pretty expencive" stated Asashi "Really how much did it cost ?" Tanjirou and Zenitsu said simultanously "112k yen(1000 dollars)" replied Asashi "Yo-you're joking-" said Zenitsu who was cut of by Asashi "I'm not~" he said teasingly  "WHY THE HELL DID YOU SPEND THAT MUCH ON FOOD?!" shouted Zenitsu "Well you see. I'm kind off rich" replied Asashi "Aren't you an orphan?"asked tanjirou "Its actually my breathing style. I created a breathing style that allows me to control liquid metals and rocks" "And how is that related" asked Inosuke "Well gold and silver are metals and diamond rubies and emeralds are a type of rock" said  Asashi 

Authers note: Thats the end of the chapter hope you enjoid it if you don't like the new layout of the story then i woudl advise you to get of wattpad. (jk jk) The next chapter will be here within 2-4 weeks.

Question of the day: What was your first ever anime?

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