Chapter 13

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The credits played on the movie they had watched a million times before. They put it on to not have to talk about the trauma anymore. Lara Jean was more than happy to agree. By the time Chris came downstairs, LJ & Gen had cried and hugged it out. Nothing was fully resolved, but at least it was on the road to it.

Lara Jean looked to each side after turning off the TV. Gen and Chris were both passed out beside her. Gen had the blanket pulled up to her chin, curled into the fetal position. She made herself small. Almost as if she didn't feel good enough to take up space. She wanted to give her a cuddle but knew she how exhausted she was. She dared not to wake the sleeping babe. She felt like she couldn't let Gen out of her sight. In some ways, LJ had always been her protector. Even when they weren't friends in high school, they had an unexplainable connection. It was like her friend had a piece of her heart. When she hurt, Lara Jean hurt. She couldn't stand the thought Gen getting hurt again.

Lara Jean was still fully awake. Her tiredness had transformed into energy. Every time she tried to shut her eyes but they kept shooting open. She couldn't tell if it were nerves or anxiety that was pacing through her mind. She needed to change of scenery. She gingerly got up from the giant sectional her friends were sprawled out on and picked through her bag. She had brought a book but she knew she wouldn't be able to concentrate on a love story, when her mind was racked with what was happening with hers.

She rummaged through the bag to finally find her phone. She had a few missed texts. A few from her boss at the magazine. One from her dad making sure she was okay. One from Peter.

She didn't even want to open it. She needed more than a message on screen. She needed him here with her. Without thinking, she was dialing his number.

"Covey." He picked up on the first ring. His voice hit her ear in the most perfect spot.

She sat down on the yoga mat Gen's mom had set up on the other side of the room. "Kavinsky." She said in a whisper.

"I thought you were with Gen and Chris tonight?" he said in a gravely and magnificent voice.

"I am. They're out cold in the other room. I couldn't sleep."

"Me neither." He replied slowly. "I've been trying to for hours. But I can't get comfortable."

"Too much running through your mind?"

"Big day." He said with a small chuckle. "How's Gen doing?"

LJ looked over at her sleeping friends. "As well as could be expected. We had a cry session earlier. She told me a lot. I wish... I wish I could take some of the hurt away from her. She didn't deserve to go through this. No one does, but you know. I would do anything for her to not have to keep reliving the worst moments of her life."

"God, you're perfect." He sounded dreamy. Lara Jean laid on her side trying to relax. She stayed quiet to listen to the sound of his breath. Its faint rhythm soothed her soul in a way nothing else could. Just the sound of his breath felt like home to her.

"I think I just needed to hear your voice." She sheepishly smiled, hoping he could hear it through the phone. "Sorry if that's weird."

She heard a long low breath. "I like it."

Lara Jean's heart started beating faster. "Really?"

"I wish you were here right now." His voice enraptured around her like silk. Lara Jean closed her eyes and swore she could feel his chest behind her. Arms wrapped just under her breasts, holding onto her as tightly as possible. She felt herself start to get hot.

"What would we be doing if I was there right now?" her voice was still quiet. Her best friends still in the general vicinity. This wasn't where she thought this conversation would lead, but wasn't completely surprised. They had a tendency to revert back to their old ways and when they were dating during college, she and Peter became sexy phone call experts thank to years of long distance. Lara Jean wanted to be a romance writer. Having to describe her every action served as better practice than any class could give her.

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