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I stand by the elevator waiting for the team to come back. I was excited but nervous because just moments before Kevin porpoise to me. By then the team was already on the air plane and on there way home. I just don't know how Derek is gonna react to this because his opinion is one of the most important ones. He's my best friend and I always want his opinion on a lot of things. Just not everything tho....

Derek: "What was that, Baby girl?" I heard him say as he walked towards me.

I looked up and smiled at the team.

Penelope: "Nothing, Sugar. But I do have important news for everyone." I said following the team as they go to put their things away.

Emily: "What is it, Penelope?" Em said as she looks at

Penelope: "Uh, well, un... Kevin may have porpoise to me and I may have..." I said in a small voice.

Derek: "Baby, we can't hear you. You ok, Pen?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Penelope: "Never mind, how bout we all just hangout tonight?" I said putting on a smile.

JJ: "Uh... Ok?" She said as everyone finished putting their things away.


I glanced at Penelope for the third time we got here. I was admiring her but at the same time trying to figure out what was wrong. She seemed like she was hiding something and I know it. But I can't confront her in front of everyone. Imma have to wait until we're alone or we have some time off of work to do it.

Rossi: "Can't analyze her if you already know what's wrong." He said as he touched my shoulder.

Derek: "I know, its just something isn't right. She isn't telling us something nd I really want her to tell me. We are best friends for gods sake." I say making sure not to slip out that I'm in love with her.

Rossi: "I know Derek, I know." He said as he patted my shoulder and smirk.

Derek: "Whatchu mean 'you know'?" I said as I follow him to Aaron and Reid.


Emily: "Pen, you ok?" She asked me.

Penelope: "Uh... I'm uh... Engaged." I said holding up to Emily and JJ.

JJ: "That's fantastic Garcia!!" She said happily.

Emily: "It really is, why didn't you tell us earlier??" She asked as she grabbed my hand to examine the ring.

Penelope: "Because I didn't wanna say anything to Derek yet. Cause ya know, he might not approve but it's Derek. So there's no need for me to be nervous." I said

Derek: "Nervous about what?" He said as he walked over with the other guys smiling.

Garcia: "I'm engaged..." I said seen his expression change from happy to shock to something else to a smile again.

Rossi: "Oh, Congrats Garcia." He said surprised as he hugged her.

Aaron: "When did this happen??" He said smirking a little bit.

Garcia: "While you guys were flying back." She said as she let go of Rossi and hugged Aaron.

Reid: "Well, this is surprising. I always thought it would be Emily or JJ who would get married first. But I'm happy for you Penelope." He said as she let go of Aaron making everyone laugh except Derek.

I than hugged Reid before I looked at Derek. He seemed off and hadn't said anything since I said I was engaged. I wonder what's wrong??

Morgan: "Congratulations baby girl!! Who's the lucky man??" He said as he snapped me outta my thoughts.

Garcia: "Its Kevin actually. He propose earlier while you guys were on the plane. But he had to leave early to go visit his grandmother in the hospital." I said as I side hugged Derek.

Derek: "Congratulations again mama." He said kissing my forehead.

Garcia: "Thank you Derek." I said as we let go of the hug.

Aaron: "Well I think it's time to call it a night. I'll see everyone on Monday." He said as he left.

Reid: "Same here, good night guys." He said as he followed Hotchner.

JJ: "I actually have to get home to Henry, does anyone need a ride?" She said before she left.

Emily: "I do actually cause I rode with Aaron but he left." She said grabbing her stuff along with JJ.

JJ: "Ok well, good night boys & Penelope." She said as she walked away.

Emily waved goodbye and it was just me, Morgan, and Rossi.

David: "So what's gonna happen now?" He said playfully.

Penelope: "I mean we can... Hold on one minute pls." I said grabbing my phone out of my purse.

When I opened it I almost drop my phone. I froze for a second before I gasped. I than looked at Derek nd Rossi with tears in my eyes.

Morgan: "What's wrong baby girl? Everything alright?" He asked as he touched my shoulder.

Penelope: "Someone sent a box of pictures of cut up men & women to my apartment. There was also a note sent to Kevin's saying 'Nobody can have him.' With blood." I said.

Derek: "Rossi call the team, Garcia come with me." He said grabbing his stuff nd rushed out the bar.

I grabbed my purse and followed Derek while Rossi Walked behind me just in case.

"Today just had to it, huh?" I thought as we rushed to the BAU.


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