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Aaron: "What's going on?" He asked as everyone gathered around the table.

Penelope: "Someone is sent a package to my house full of naked men & women." She said

Derek: "And someone sent Lynch a letter." I said crossing my arms.

JJ: "How'd you know?" She asked a little confused.

Penelope: "Sometimes I have one of my neighbors grab my packages from my door so they won't get taken. Nd just so happen the package was already opened when my neighbor got there." She said as she frantically looked at me than Reid.

Aaron: "Has this happened before? If so why haven't you said anything?" He said.

Penelope: "No this hasn't happened before and you know if it has I would tell you guys right?" She said looking up at Rossi.

Derek: "We know baby girl." I said as I bring her into a hug.

Emily: "Why do you think they would send Penelope pictures tho and Kevin the letter?" She asked looking over at Rossi and Aaron.

JJ: "Yea, that does kinda seem sceptical. But what does it mean tho?" She said adding on to what Emily was saying.

Kevin: "Sorry I'm late I had to rush back here in a hurry." He said outta breath.

JJ: "Its fine, where's the letter?" She said as we all walk towards him.

Kevin: "Here..." He said handing the letter to Prentess.

As Emily, JJ, Reid and Aaron analyze the letter I watch as Penelope walk over to Kevin and hug him tightly. Once they separate they start talking and stuff and I just wonder how to am I gonna tell my best friend that I'm in love with her. But it would be the wrong time to tell her during this case. It would be the wrong time to tell her ever actually, now that she's engaged. I wish she never met Kevin but I can't change it though.

Rossi: "Don't think about it to much. Talk to her when everything isn't so high rocket right now. She might understand.." He said trying to sound encouraging.

Derek: "But will it work tho Rossi?" I asked as I looked at him for any signs that it might be a yes.

Rossi: "I don't know Derek." He said in a sad tone.

Front Desk lady: "Uh there's a package here for Ms. Garcia." She said coming in.

Aaron: "Uh yes, bring it in." He said as another guy walks in with the package. "Thank you."

JJ: "Why would someone send a package full of cut up body parts of men and women to..." She said but paused.

Reid: "Why do they look like they're similar to Pen and Morgan??"

Penelope/Derek: "What?"


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