Keeping A Promise, Breaking Another

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keeping a promise, breaking another
177 words

Do you think I'm fine?
Do you seriously think,
after everything we've been through,
I could possibly be okay?
I have no right to be mad at you
and you have every right to hate me.
But you have to know
this was not easy for me.
The hardest decision I've ever made,
and you think it didn't matter to me.
You think you don't matter to me.

I am selfish.
I am indecisive.
I am any number of things you wish to call me.
But I am not pretending.
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
and I'll say it a million times more
if you want me to.
But you don't want me to
because it hurts you
almost as much as it hurts me.

Our fate was sealed
the moment you left.
It was foolish of me
to think things could be any different.
I know how this cycle works.
I want it to stop.
With him here,
I'm sure it will.
I've made too many promises;
it's time I kept one.

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