The Main Character

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the main character
398 words

It's 2017 and two girls sit at a table.
One has blonde hair and blue eyes,
the other is a brunette with blurry vision.
The popular one's friends ditched her,
so she asks the introvert to hang out.
They become best friends.

It's 2017 and a guy appears.
He's friends with someone the brunette hates.
He asks her if she knows whose lunchbox is under the table.
She's defensive, it's hers.
A grin on his face, he says,
"Let's be buddies."

It's 2017 and a girl who's seen the world
recognizes the introvert from last year's class.
She doesn't have many friends,
her sister-in-arms left last summer.
She knows how to get what she wants
so she joins the Three Musketeers
and they forget a time when she wasn't there.

It's 2017 and a girl with eyes like the sky
got herself kicked out of her group.
She has nothing but energy and fun ideas
so the merry band accepts her as one of their own.

It's 2017 and the main character is perfectly fine.

It's 2021 and neither of those girls are girls.
The blonde turned brunette,
and the blurry-eyed one got glasses.
The one who stayed at private school
is popular enough to have a fanclub,
the other blends into the crowd.

It's 2021 and the guy moved away.
The two don't talk anymore.
He doesn't know his friend's brother passed away,
the other doesn't know he has a new family.
The siblingless one rewatches the series they first bonded over.
It reeks of the old days.

It's 2021 and the main character
hasn't spoken to the Korean girl since 2017.
She moved back to Asia before the year was out.
He gave her the wrong email on accident.
He hopes she's doing well.

It's 2021 and the sky girl keeps her eyes up.
The falling out happened when her parents
sent her to a religious camp,
taught her to hate people she used to be friends with.
He doesn't know if she meant what she said,
he just knows she'll never take it back.

It's 2021 and the main character doesn't think that's what he is.
His life isn't interesting enough to be watched,
too tragic to even be tragedy.
The world doesn't revolve around him, he knows,
but his world will stop spinning
if there's no one left to push it.

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