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~ New York City ~
~11:52 PM~
It was almost midnight, but you didn't care; you were to buy to enjoy yourself with your friends flashing lights and good music. You felt right at home.

Someone was staring at the whole night through, but you didn't let it ruin your fun.
You walked to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks. You were sweaty from all the dancing.

"You're an excellent dancer!" Some strange lady shouted from across the bar.

She caught your attention, and you walked over to her with your charming good looks.
"Well, aren't you beautiful? Have you been watching me?" you asked the strange lady. She giggles and nods her head yes.

She had beautiful blond hair, red lipstick, and a tiny mole on her left cheek.
"Buy a lady a drink," she said seductively, bit her lower lip.

You asked the bartender for another drink for the lady.
"F/N, L/N," you said, introducing yourself to her, and she responded with her name "Sarah Johnson," she said.

The bartender arrives with both of your drinks, and you chug your glass down, then extend your hand out towards her offering her a dance. She accepts, finishing her drink, and you both move into the dance floor.

You have been dancing for about an hour and a half. First, Your eyes were directed at Sarah; then, your eyes turned to the stranger who was still staring at you from a distance.

"I gotta go. It's getting late," you told Sarah with a concerning tone. You quickly ran out of the club. It was past one, and your phone was dead.
"Dammit, looks like I'm walking home," you said to yourself.

You started to walk home. You knew your dad was going to kill you for coming in late, but you didn't care.
Then you noticed that you were still being followed, so you started to walk faster as your heart started beating quicker until you panicked and tripped.

The starter finally caught up with you.

"What the hell do you want money?!" you shouted.

He takes off his hoodie and said to you
"You failed your test, Y/N."
You didn't have a clue who this person was and why he knew my name, but you quickly got up and ran away from him, but he wasn't following back. He was standing there until you bumped into somebody's car.
"Fuck" you shouted

The window rolls down. It was your parents.
"Y/N, get your ass in the car, dammit!" Your dad shouted.
You slowly got yourself up, and the stranger that was following you stood next to you.

"I see you met your bodyguard Thomas," your dad said in a snarky tone.
"Bodyguard? For what?" you asked your father.
Your bodyguard shows you the news headline about your dad getting attacked today.
"Yeah, you would have known if you answered my calls, son." your dad replied.
"Well, my phone was dead, my bad," you said, showing your dad that your phone was dead.

"Get in the car, son. It's dangerous out here!" your dad shouted
You get in, and Tom, your bodyguard, sits next to you.
You look at him. He was a handsome man, but it was something about him you didn't like.
"Why do I need a bodyguard if they're after you?" You asked.

"They also attacked your mother while she was shopping and your sister while she was walking home," Tom explained.

"I wasn't asking you; I was asking my father. Thank you very much," you shouted, then your father turned, looking at you with a deadly look which quickly shut you up as you turn to look at the window with your arms crossed.

You finally arrive at your beautiful home. You get out of the car stretching
"Home Sweet Home!!!" You shouted.
Then your dad plucks you in the back of your head.
you exclaimed, rubbing the back of your head.
Everyone heads inside your the last one in, and then you fall onto the floor tired from all the dancing and the drinking you did. Then you notice a shadow above you.
"Get up!" Tom said
You just ignored him and kept lying on the ground.

He grabs your arms and drags you to your room.
"Thank you, Mr.Bodyguard," you said faintly toned as you started to pass out.

~ Tuesday ~
~7:45 AM~
"Y/N, it's time for you to wake up have your first day of college today," Your Mother shouted
You finally woke up and ran to the bathroom to throw up.
"Need help?" Tom said
You just gave him the middle finger and kept vomiting.
After a few minutes, you took a shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed, and just as you walked out of your room door, Tom was there with your backpack.
"Why are you wearing my university uniform?" you asked
"Because he's going with you, signed him up yesterday now get going before your both late." your dad explained

You roll your eyes and bump into Tom's shoulder while leaving for class in your beautiful car.
"Hello, my pride and joy," you said
Tom then walks out of the house, walking towards the gates.

"Are You going to walk to school?" you asked Tom
He just ignored you and kept walking.
"Asshole," you said to yourself, getting into your car and start driving to school.

8:15 AM
You arrive at school; it was packed with people everywhere; of course, you were nervous, but you had to play it cool as you exit the car.
"You're late," Tom said
You wondered how he got here before you.
"How did you even get here before me!" you shouted
Everyone looked at you, and you quickly returned to your car.

Tom knocks on your car window, and you look at him with an aggressive look giving him the middle finger again.

The bell rings, and you finally get out of your car with Tom still waiting outside for you
"You don't have to keep waiting for me. I'm fine on my own," you told Tom
He didn't say anything. He just waited for you to start walking.
"You first," Tom said

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