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~9:57 AM~
You and Tom have the same schedule per request from your dad. It wasn't very comfortable having someone follow you around all the time. You had to lose him somehow.

"I have to use the bathroom!" you told Tom
Stopping him in front of the boy's bathroom.
"Make it quick," Tom replied
You quickly ran into the bathroom.
"Sorry, Mr. Bodguard, but I won't be needing your services today," you said to yourself as you started climbing towards an open window; but you eventually lose your balance and fall, but luckily Tom was there to catch you.

"Going somewhere?" Tom said, then you responded with
"Just wanted to check if it was raining outside," you said, fixing your uniform.
"Let's go. We're going to be late for class." Tom said in a severe tone, you just rolled your eyes and went to class.

~4:08 PM~
You finally leave school. It was tiresome that you just sat on the ground for a while.
"I'm too tired to walk," you told Tom
He sat next to you as you both watched other students leave, then an evil thought popped into your head.

"Carry me home?" you said aloud
He looked at you like you were crazy
"We have a meeting in an hour. Come on carrying me," you said snarkily

He got up, and you jumped on his back
"Onward!!!" you shouted, and he started walking
"So what makes you go crazy, Mr. Bodyguard?" you asked Tom
He ignored you.

"It's impolite to ignore someone, especially when they ask you a crucial question," you said, getting annoyed that he was still ignoring you, so you decided to attempt to annoy him more by continuously pointing the back of his head.

"Y/N!!!" someone shouted. It sounded familiar.
"Sarah?" you said to yourself
She walks up to both of you.
"Who's this?" Sarah asked

"This is Tom, my lame-ass bodyguard," you replied
He gives you a look, and you stick your tongue at him.
"What are you doing out here all alone, my beautiful," you asked
She chuckles, and you giggle with her.

"I was just on my way home. I wouldn't mind some company," you said with her beautiful sky blue eyes.
"Mr. L/N has a meeting to attend to," Tom said
You jump off his back.
"Of course, I would love to walk you home," you said in a soft tone.
You and Sarah started walking while Tom is tailing behind.

"Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday?" Sarah asked

"He was watching me the whole night. I was scared, but of course, I gave him a good beating, and now he protects me," you said, lying through your teeth

"So he follows you everywhere?" Sarah asked
You looked back at Tom. He didn't look happy, but you didn't care.
"Everywhere sadly," you said
She takes your hand and then looms back at Tom. He doesn't seem to care until you both start sprinting, trying to lose him. He, of course, chases after you, but eventually, you don't see him in your view anymore.
"Wait, we lost him!" You said, trying to catch your breath. You and Sarah both sit down on a broken park bench.
"He was pretty fast, but luckily, I know this like the back of my hand," she said.

Then you look around you this at the broken playground.

"Woah, this place is a dump," you said loud enough for Sarah to hear you.

" I was around these parts," Sarah said in a severe tone clenching her fist.

You quickly try regretted saying that and promptly apologized.
Then she laughs and punches your shoulder
"It's fine; you didn't know," she said with a half-smile on her face

" I played here every single day as a little kid. It was beautiful, but eventually, nobody came here anymore, and it was just me and an abandoned playground," she explained

You took her hand.

"I'm sorry to hear that," you said to her
Out of nowhere, you hear your name shouted at a high volume.

It was Tom.
"Dammit, how did he find us!" Sarah said to herself, low enough for you not to hear.

You started walking up to Tom, but a car quickly stop in front of you, and three men jump out with melee weapons.
"Aw shit!" You screamed as one of them swings their baseball bat at you, but you swiftly moved out the way, falling onto the floor.

Tom rushes over to help, punching someone hard enough to knock them out cold.
"Y/N!" Tom Shouted.

You slowly back away as one of the guys pull a gun out and points it towards you.

Tom was busy fight off the other guy that was up, dodging attacks with grace. It was amazing
While you're just here on the ground, possibly about to die, scared for your life.

But something comes over you. You quickly rushed over and tackled the guy into the ground floor
Making him drop his guy, and you started punching him one punch after the other, watching as blood slowly began to get onto your hands. You couldn't stop, but luckily, Tom stops your hand and pulls you off the man.

"Are you hurt?!" you asked Tom

"I should be asking you that what were you thinking running off like that!!!" Tom shouted

He plucked your forehead.

"Ouch!!!" you screamed
You started to hear police sirens in the distance
"Good, the police at-" Tom stopped as a bullet gets him straight in his shoulder. The guy who shot him passes out, and Tom becomes unconscious.
"Tom!!!" You shouted, lifting him and rushing to your house.

~5:48 PM~

You open the door nobody seemed to be home from the sound of silence; you quickly brought Tom to your room and placed him on your bed, and promptly went to get First aid supplies.

"Dammit, where did my mom put it?" you said as you turned to see Tom was already up. He was holding his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing up!" you screamed
He moves you out the way and found the first aid kit.
He sits down on your bathroom floor and tries to apply first aid to himself.

You drop to his level and try to help him.
"I don't need your help," Tom said in a severe tone
This time you pluck him on his forehead.
"Don't be an asshole. Let me help," you said
He turns his head away from you.

You unbutton his shirt. You looked at the wound; the bullet went straight through. You cleaned his injury and patched it up. You couldn't help but feel nervous to see Tom shirtless, but eventually, he got up and left your room without saying a word.

Lookout for Love (Tom Holland x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now