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I have no clue how investigations/ questioning/trials etc work in the real world so if anything is wrong, I apologise. It is for entertainment purposes only.



Y/n's POV:

I left Jimin in the file room without a second thought after seeing a message from Chief Jay.

A part of me felt slightly guilty again for totally blocking Jimin out of my thoughts just now but I have to prove Jungkook's innocence.

I dash as fast as I could down into the stations parking lot, feet still sore from the glass of yesterday. It never hurt when I was walking but now that I'm running, the wounds are getting worse again.

My hair and clothes are completely soaked after seconds after stepping outside. The sky is a dark shade with rain pouring down creating deep puddles everywhere.

"Y/n! Wait up, please don't make me find you again" Jimin's voice rushes through the air to meet my ears making me slow down.

"Jimin, please" I turn my head his direction to see him just running out the exit of the building into a large puddle. "I need to find him!"

I blurt out without even thinking and the sound of the word 'him' makes Jimin's eyes widen but immediately turn serious again. His hair already soaked like mine, drops dripping down his face from his hair.

"Get in my car, I will take you where you need to go okay?" He runs to his car and so do I as he unlocks his car mid-run.

We get in the car and don't even think about seatbelts before racing off down the road, me telling him which way to go down.

The rain didn't seem to want to stop and instead lashes down onto the car windows aggressively while the window wipers were on full speed. The layer of water instantly builds back up straight after being removed

Immediately as we turn the corner of a street, sirens are screaming and blurred lights are blinking red and blue, echoing off every surface of building.

Five police cars are parked in a circular shape around an expensive looking royal blue sports car as well as loads of cops surrounding the area.

I swing the car door open with shaky hands gripping the handle as Jimin gets out of the other side, setting foot into the humid rain.

"Y/n, calm down for a second!" Jimin calls after me but I'm already half way up to Chief Jay.

"Ah! Y/n. Just the person I wanted to see-"

"Where is he? Jungkook?" I ask cutting him off without hesitating to which he stood to the side to reveal the man I requested, in handcuffs and soaked himself, getting moved into the back of a police car.

"Wait, stop! He's innocent, I swear!" I rush over to him almost pushing Jay to the floor in hopes that they would listen.

Jungkook's head turns towards me, his wet strands of hair dripping onto his face. He's shocked that I'm here and he smiles weakly as if he has given up with his pained eyes.

They look hopeless and as if he has totally lost himself completely.

"I said, stop it!" I grip hold of the police officers arms which was holding Jungkook's shoulders but was immediately pulled off by Jimin.

"What do you think your doing, you could get into serious trouble with Jay" He lowers his voice so only I can hear but still manages to keep a stern tone.

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