T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"I think you need to speak to Jimin."

I let out a slight relieved sigh now that I know it's not the worst thing he could have said.

"I know. I should probably do it today." I look over at my phone resting on the table.

"Call him." Jungkook says as if he finally trusts that nothing is or going to happen between me and Jimin.

I smile and hug him before standing up, taking my phone with me into the bedroom down the hall.

I quickly scroll through my contacts and tap on Jimin's name.

Not even a couple rings pass before the other end of the line is picked up.

"Hey Ji-"

"Y/n! Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Where are you? Should I pick you up?"

Looks like someone has been worried about me this entire time. I feel guilty.

"I'm fine Jimin." I reassure him.

"That's good" he releases a calm sigh.

"But I want to talk. In person?" I suggest and I can almost hear the agreement from the other side of the phone.

"I know. I want to talk to you too. Maybe we could meet at that place with the nice cakes? You know... the one that you ran off before we even managed to set foot in there?"

I laugh at how he remembers that but to be fair it was one of the most eventful days.

"That's perfect."

We arrange the time and I get ready before heading out to meet with him.

Jungkook seems a lot more calmer than her did when my going out involved Jimin. I like it.

I enter the building and the smell of freshly baked cakes and cookies filled the room making a smile automatically render on my face.

I look around and find that Jimin has already arrived and had already ordered quite the selection of cakes.

"Wow, you don't expect us to finish all of this do you?!" I laugh as I take a seat opposite him in the retro like booth.

"I didn't actually expect the cakes to be so big..." Jimin nervously laughs as he takes a cupcake from the side plate.

" Jimin nervously laughs as he takes a cupcake from the side plate

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"Well I guess we can take some to work after this" I suggest.

"Great idea"

"Anyways..." I begin the talk that we arranged. "I will go first."

I move my phone to the sure so that I can place my hands on the table.

"I just wanted to say that I am sorry for not telling you about Jungkook, or anything about the whole situation that we were trying to figure out."

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