Our Effed Up Relationship

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" Babe? I'm going to work soon and there is dinner in the fridge ok?" Matthew is on his phone ignoring me, I yell his name once again ,he still ignores me. I don't understand why he is mad at me still.

We had an argument two days ago about my friend Henry and he thinks I'm secretly dating Henry behind his back. Sometimes he gets on my nerves but you don't see me ignoring him for two days straight.

I grab my stuff and when I'm about to walk out the house, he says , " I'm not gonna be here tonight, you can go sleep with your other boyfriend" anger rages inside of me, I step back in the house and slam the door.

"You know what Matthew?!! I don't give a fuck !! Ok? Your getting mad for no damn reason!!! I was just playing with the guy, WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT!?"

He gets up from the couch and walks over to me, staring deep in my eyes and he says in a very calm voice. " You wanna know what's wrong with that?" I nod my head yes and he continues , "Ok, look at it this way, if I was suppose to meet a girl at some place and you found me touching her,hugging up on her and kissing her on the cheek!! Wouldn't you be mad,Angel?

"But, he is my friend !!I don't love him!! I love you."

"Then why were you up on him like that" He asks. At this point I should smack him but I grab my stuff and slam the door behind me.

The coincidence with me and Henry was nothing. Me, Matthew, Abigail, and Henry were going to a club.Henry sat next to me and at the time , Matthew and Abigail were getting drinks.

Henry was telling me a joke and I playfully punched him and we started laughing and in the heat of the moment, he kissed me on the cheek and I guess I didn't see Matthew standing there and he got really mad and since then he won't talk to me.

As I was walking to the garage, Matthew was running after me and for a second I taught he was going to say sorry, but he rudely asks for his car keys, i give it to him and he opens his car doors and tells me " here, take your stuff. I don't want ppl to know I'm dating you.

My heart breaks a little but I'm not about to crack in front of Matthew! I open my car door and throw out all the pictures he put in the car drawer of me and him.

He asks "What Do you Think Your Doing?!"

"I don't want people knowing we're together ..." I said mocking him. "You don't have to worry about it anymore". I said looking straight at him.I get in my car and drive away.

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