Uncovering secrets

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(S) *going through photos* I feel like I remember grace

(M) what are you doing?

(S) going through some of my old belongings their's these pictures I know I have but I can't find them anywhere

(M) what are they about?

(S) a family photo of my mom, dad and I before my mother kicked my dad out

(M) so this photo would show what your dad looks like

(S) I told grace a family story of my past

(L) the way your dad slept with another woman and got her pregnant so you winded up getting a half sibling

(S) yeah

(M) are you trying to find out who your half sibling is?

(S) I wanna meet them but I wanted to show grace the only family photo I had *pulls out photo* here it is I'll be right back *runs down to Grace's room*

(E) why's he in a rush to grace?

(L) he wants to find out who his half sibling is but also wanted to show grace a family photo of his

(E) alright *walks back to bedroom*

(S) grace I wanted to show you this photo it's the only family photo I have but this is my dad

(G) oh my *looking at photo* this can't be

(S) what?

(E) *walking by Grace's door*

(G) Seth I think you're my half brother

(E) *stops and stands next to door*

(S) what do you mean?

(G) you said your father got another woman pregnant reasoning on why he wasn't around *rummage's through drawer* that photo of that man is the same man in this one of my father and I *hands Seth photo*

(S) it really is so you're the daughter of the woman my father got pregnant

(G) if my mother was the only other woman our father slept with then it proves we would be siblings

(S) I need to call my mom and ask her before we go all into craziness *calls Patricia* hey mom

(P) hey Seth what is it son?

(S) I have a question I know I go by you're last name but what was my father's last name?

(P) Rodriguez why?

(S) was his first name Henry as in Henry Rodriguez

(P) yes son but why are you asking all this things?

(S) because I think I found my half sister the woman that dad left us to go be with had his child and I think that child is the girl I'm standing right next to

(P) son please come over immediately I need to talk about this in person

(S) I will mom

(E) their siblings?

(G) well this is one way to start a day

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