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(A/N): Alright readers I have a new chapter for you guys and also I picked the MC's superhero name that one of you guys suggested and it will be revealed in this chapter. Speaking of names I still need more team attack names, their pairing, and what they do.

(A/N): Telepathic communication

Your POV

The Team and I (plus Zwei) are now in the Bio-Ship flying to our mission location.

It may have taken a while for Batman to give us a mission but our patience finally paid off.

I sat in my chair whilst sharpening my scythe with a whetstone.

Miss Martian: We're approaching Santa Prisca.

I put away the whetstone and then put my scythe into inactive mode and strapped it to my waist.

I looked out the window and saw we were approaching the said island.

I took a glance at Robin who was sitting at the right front seat with his arms crossed and had a look of determination on his face.

I then thought back to our mission debrief with Batman and Red Tornado.


The team and I were (in our civilian clothes) in the control room getting debriefed by Batman on our very first official mission.

Batman: Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neurosteroid, a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name "Venom". Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in.

He then turned to us and gave us a stern glare.

Batman: This is a COVERT recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. 

He then puts up the map of the island on the holographic screen.

Batman: The plan requires two drop zones.

Robin then suddenly asked.

Robin: So who's in charge?

I raised an eyebrow as Batman and Red Tornado turned to each other and then back to us.

Batman: Work that out between you.

Robin nodded with a smirk on his face...


... This is not gonna end well is it?

Present Time

I sighed as I turned to Robin who was now smirking with a worried look on my face.

(Y/N): (thoughts) For the love of Oum Robin, please don't do anything stupid.

I then hear Miss Martian speak.

Miss Martian: Drop Zone A in 30.

Aqualad then stood up as his seat dissolved into the floor.

He then tapped his belt buckle which changed his entire suit into a different color due to the new nanotech in his suit.

His shirt was now dark grey and his pants were now dark blue.

He turned to Miss Martian.

Aqualad: Ready.

Miss Martian nodded.

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