Welcome To Happy Harbor

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(A/N): Okay guys this isn't a male Ruby Rose without team attacks. So what team attack names can you come up with, what are the pairings of said team attack, and what do they do? Let me know.

Telepathic communication

3rd Person POV

After his meeting with the Justice League and his several attempts to get in the Weapons Room. (Y/N) went back to Mount Justice to witness a strange but yet funny sight.

He saw M'gann, Superboy, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash (who came to visit) playing a game of poker with Zwei.

And losing badly.

That was a few days ago. Now, it is a new day and a new beginning for the team.

Right now the Zeta-Tube in Mount Justice lit up.


Robin and Kid Flash have been teleported in with their civilian clothing with smiles on their faces ready for the day.

They ran to the control room where the others are located.

They also had their civilian clothing on.

(Y/N) was now wearing a new outfit. He now wore a black T-Shirt under a black and red jacket with black pants and shoes.

The only thing he kept from his previous outfit was his cape.

Why? He says it's personal.

Robin and Kid Flash ran up to Aqualad who was looking at the holo screen.

Robin: Did you ask him?

Kid Flash: What did he say?

Aqualad turned to the excited duo with a smile of his own.

Aqualad: He's arriving now.

Kid Flash smiled.

Kid Flash: Then what are we waiting for?

He and Robin then ran outside with (Y/N) and Zwei right behind them with smiles on their faces.

Aqualad and Superboy walk out with M'gann flying after them.

A secret entrance located outside of Mount Justice opened and the team walks outside.

Once outside they see Red Tornado landing in front of them with a miniature red tornado covering his legs and once landing dissipates.

Kid Flash waves.

Kid Flash: Red Tornado!

Red Tornado: Greetings. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?

Aqualad: We hoped you had a mission for us.

Red Tornado: Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility.

Robin: But it's been over a week and nothing-

Red Tornado raised a hand stopping Robin at mid-sentence.

Red Tornado: You will be tested soon enough.

The Android then puts down his hand.

Red Tornado: For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company.

Aqualad had an annoyed look on his face.

Aqualad: This team is not a social club.

Red Tornado: You're not, but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave.

A Rose Turned Heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें