Why are you here?

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(A/N): Hey guys I got to ask. What should our MC's hero name be? Let me know.

Your POV

My eyes flutter open and I sit up on my new bed.

Since I had no home here on Earth the League gave me a room on Mount Justice making it my new home here on Earth.

I then thought back on the last two days of my time on this planet.

(Y/N): (thoughts) I have only been here for two days and I already encountered some crazy stuff. And here I thought I was gonna get a break from all that.

I turned to my left to see Zwei curled up on the bed beside me still asleep.

I smiled and pet his head, making him wake up.

He yawned whilst stretching.

He looked up at me and smiled.

(Y/N): Morning boy! Ready for the day?

Zwei: Bark! Bark!

I nodded and we both got up off the bed.

I put on my outfit from yesterday along with my cape because I don't have any clothes yet.

I look at Crescent Rose that was on my dresser and contemplated on whether I should bring it or not.

I decided not to bring it seeing it could possibly cause problems.

We walked to the door and I opened it to see a surprised Miss Martian who looked like she was about to knock on my door.

She also had a new outfit on.

She was now wearing a white T-shirt under a red short-sleeved crop top sweater, red skirt, knee-high socks with dark blue shoes, and a red headband keeping her hair back.

Miss Martian: Oh! Good morning. Red Tornado sent me to get you but it seems you're already awake.

I smiled.

(Y/N): Yep! But I appreciate the gesture though... Um, I don't think I introduced myself yesterday. I'm (Y/N) Rose nice to you!

She smiled back.

M'gann: Nice to meet you too. I'm M'gann M'orzz.

Her eyes then went to Zwei and she gasped and I swear to Oum I can see stars in her eyes.

M'gann: OH MY GOD!!!

She zoomed right past me, nearly knocking me over, and picked up Zwei and began hugging him much to his happiness.


(Y/N): That's my best bud, Zwei.

Zwei smiled and began licking M'gann's face causing her to giggle.

We both then left my room and made our way to the control room.

M'gann had Zwei in her arms the whole time.

M'gann: So how has Earth been treating you?

(Y/N): Well, I woke up in a secret facility, fought some monsters and an evil scientist that turned into a big scary monster, and now I'm going to basically be interrogated by a bunch of superheroes.... actually, it's better than I thought it was gonna be.

M'gann giggled.

M'gann: So, is it true you're from another planet?

(Y/N): Yep! From the planet Remnant.

A Rose Turned HeroWhere stories live. Discover now