Chapter 2

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 The air turned chrisp in the autumn breeze as an unmarked black car pulled up beside two teenage kids, devious and knowing smirks ever present on their faces.

They quickly surveyed the area around them, only finding clear and empty streets to the left and right of them given that it was early morning. Ah yes, just as expected. These two would do perfectly.

Stopping the car immediately, a man in a black hoodie then gestured to his friend before they all filed out with hidden intent in order to move only a couple feet away from the two unknowing children.

Then all at once, the group grabbed onto each of the kids as they pulled them into the backseat, shoving their bodies aggressively before they could call for help.

They didn't seem to be that strong as the man was able to attach the gag to his captive rather easily, the red haired boy only looking rather surprised as he barely even struggled against the villain.

That was weird, all the other kids they managed to capture usually cried by now. Maybe this one was just too scared to move or to register the situation? Ah well, it made things easier on their end for sure.

Looking over to his colleague he was surprised to find that the guy was having an easier time with the female of the group, her blonde hair and cuearlen gaze clouded by his aggressive handling as he fixed her gag and restraints with no struggle at all.

Well, It was a good thing they grabbed these kids, considering they were so weak and helpless. This job was going to be a whole lot easier than they thought. "Come on man, let's go."

Nodding back, his friend then shoved the blonde haired girl into the back seat before the two villains drove away with smug smiles on their faces. Oh boy, the boss was going to be happy about this, that was for sure.

It didn't take long before they reached their destination, the empty warehouse appearing in the distance as the two men each handled a kid in order to push them into the space.

Once they were inside, his friends purposely shoved the girl into the ground as she groaned before his booted foot now rested on her back firmly. "What's wrong girlie? You gonna cry to your mommy?"

The placid look in her eyes never changed though as the other villain felt a slight annoyed tug from the red haired kid, looking only to find that the teenager was staring at him silently, almost like he was trying to tell them something.

Feeling rather generous, the villain holding the boy laughed at the motion. "It looks like this one wants to say something also. Alright, I'll bite, what do you got boy?"

He then pulled down the restraining gag, expecting the kid to scream or cry out like a typical kidnapping victim would.

Although the only thing they received was a low chuckle, his voice carrying through the space as the red haired kid turned to the villain with mocking, knowing eyes. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

The entire warehouse seemed to stand still for a moment before the two villains looked between each other with a scoff. Was this one serious? Was he really giving threats when he was this helpless and trapped? What a stupid kid.

Moving up to the boy, the villain reached down before digging his fingers into his scalp as he grabbed a fistful of hair in order to make him look at him. "Oh? Aren't you a cocky one. I don't think you understand the situation you're in, kid.."

But one again, the boy didn't look intimated in the slightest, almost like he expected that kind of answer. "And I don't think you understand the situation you're in. You know, you're just making it worse for yourself like this. Might as well quit while you're ahead and let us go."

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