Chapter 6

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The minute Shinso finished the meeting, Katsuki couldn't help but notice the strange aqua haired girl exit as well, the woman choosing to leave silently in between the others. Hold on, was she really going to leave without any explanation to her strange ass actions from before?

Bakugo felt his brows twitch in annoyance at the very idea. First this extra frowned at him, then pulling those files away like he had some kind of disease, then publicly asked for someone different for this case and now she was just going to leave without explaining everything?! No, there was no way.

And at first, the man really tried to just ignore it, to say fuck it and let that toothpaste haired werido do whatever they want. She was just some nobody extra after all, why should he care that she acted that way?

Yet the more he sat there, the more Katsuki found his curiosity grow more and more, his mind searching for an answer to the strange behavior. He didn't even know this chick and she didn't even know him so there was no explanation he could logically come up with by himself.

Which honestly pissed him off even more.

Then without really thinking, the man found himself already chasing after the strange female, quickly spotting her towards the end of the commission hallway, back still facing him.

Oh no, she was not going to get away so easily without answers. He wasn't finished with her.

Moving towards her, Katsuki's knitted his brows into a glare before shouting out down the empty hall, causing the woman to stop whatever she was doing. "Hey extra, where do you think you're going?!"

All at once, the voice caused Iris to indeed stop, her head moving up from her own files before turning around at Katsuki's angry gaze with a silent stare. Yeah, now she couldn't run away so easily.

Yet the hero then watched as Iris frowned at his very presence before lifting up the paper in her hands as if it was obvious. "Umm I'm doing what the boss asked for? We better get started if we wanna find that drug supplier."

The fact that she was ignoring the matter at hand only seemed to piss the man off more, Bakugo stomping towards the girl with serious intent as he shouted. "No, I didn't..I wasn't...that's not what I meant. I wanna know what the hell your problem is with me?"

Iris only blinked in surprise though, turning her head in question as if he was crazy. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Although Katsuki knew he wasn't crazy, her fake little naive nature causing the man to ball his fists as sparks of fury started to radiate out of them. Was she serious right now?!

Stepping forward, the man then reached forward before grabbing onto Iris' arm in order to pull her backwards towards him with a shout. "Don't play dumb with me, I'm not an idiot. I saw you glare at me and snatch those papers away, not to mention how you said you didn't want to work together. I don't even know an extra like you, so you better give me some answers right now before we have a problem!"

The women didn't seem to be intimidated by his temper tantrum though, simply looking down at his hand on her arm before simply staring up so Katsuki could see her icy stare. "Are we? Tell me Bakugo, do you always threaten your teammates like this?"

Realizing this did kind of look bad, Bakugo gritted his teeth in frustration before letting go a moment later in order to cross his arms over his chest with a huff. "I do when they piss me off, so spit it out already. What the hell is your problem with me? It's obvious you think my idiot sister is god's gift to the universe or something so what's the difference?"

Iris seemed to take in his anger automatically, silence filling the air as she took in the heroes rising and falling chest before sighing. "Do you want the truth?"

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