Chapter 5

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So, it turns out that trying to fight over a dozen heroes with practically no quirk wasn't Amari's greatest idea. Sure, it sounded really cool at the time, badass even, but unfortunately the blonde haired woman was actually beaten rather quickly.

But not before kicking some teeth out of course.

Yet sadly it was true, and soon enough Todoroki Amari found herself stuck in a commission sized prison cell, her back lazily draped over the bench with a heavy sigh. Who knew life would've taken her here, right?

Well, it wasn't a secret that her life wasn't actually normal, but prison? Now that was something she wouldn't have expected, but here she was with all her little dirty secrets now exposed to the public. Lovely, just lovely.

Twisting her brow in conflict, Amari's mind then began to shift to her son who was hidden away with Keigo at this very moment. She felt so guilty, having such an innocent kid deal with her old problems. That made it all the reason to fix all of this though.

That's right, she had to fix this, so that her son could have the life he deserved.

Just then, a set of footsteps started to approach, causing the woman to immediately roll her eyes. Oh boy, here they come. Here comes the crazy commission agents that were gonna treat her like a criminal and grill her on Toya's location again.

That's what they've been doing for the past couple hours after all.

Already over everything, Amari called out to the voice with extreme sarcasm, no respect at all for what was about to happen. "Listen, you're wasting your time. I already told you, I don't know where my son is. Just give it a rest already and go touch some grass."

Yet the voice responded a moment later, stopping in front of her cell as his silhouette outlined the walls. "Can't ever stay out of trouble can you, short stuff?"

At the nickname, Amari's eyes widened, immediately sitting up in order to find a very familiar shade of purple, one that brought her world of nostalgia. "Hitoshi? What are you doing here? I thought you said you were out of the country for a meeting."

Just seeing her best friend was enough for Amari to relax her wound up nerves just a little. They were rather close in high school after all, he even joined the Bakugo agency as a sidekick when it first opened.

So the fact that he was here was certainly reassuring, more than those pesky commission agents that grilled her earlier.

After all that, she was happy to see a friend.

Eyeing his black and gray colored suit, Shinso only shook his head, brushing the stubble from his chin as he did so. "I was, but then I got a call about a rogue hero that caused a scene at U.A. 's quirk ceremony. Call it intuition but I already had a feeling it was gonna be you."

The purple haired man then crossed his arms over his chest, almost as if he was scolding a child. "I mean only an idiot would do something like that."

Feeling slight embarrassment for her actions, Amari frowned, knowing that her reckless nature was something that always seemed to follow her everywhere, even Shinso knew that.

Amari then moved up the glass wall between them, the woman placing her hand on the cool surface with a sarcastic chuckle. "Ha ha ha, very funny Shih tzu. Look at you, all high and mighty now because you're the commission president and all.

At the new title, Shinso smiled back, knowing how hard he worked for the previous commission president to see his potential. And even though he only shared the title with his wife, the man still felt proud.

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