Story generators are fun

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HMM HMM yes I found a story generator and it's kinda fun to mess around with

Anyway here's a story it generated, the fandom's favourite ship, Jake x M/C of course. Doesn't make sense? Blame the generator.

M/C looked at the green rock in her hands and felt excited.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her weird surroundings. She had always hated creepy Duskwood with its faffdorking, fried forest. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel excited.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Jake . Jake was a grateful pitbull with cute hands and short eyes.

M/C gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a bold, caring, green tea drinker with wide hands and beautiful eyes. Her friends saw her as a klutzy, knobby kitten. Once, she had even helped a kindhearted Alfie cross the road.

But not even a bold person who had once helped a kindhearted Alfie cross the road, was prepared for what Jake had in store today.

The hail pounded like walking llamas, making M/C anxious.

As M/C stepped outside and Jake came closer, she could see the shivering glint in his eye.

Jake gazed with the affection of 3622 kind raw rats. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want a high-five."

M/C looked back, even more anxious and still fingering the green rock. "Jake, I love you," she replied.

They looked at each other with bored feelings, like two dark, defeated dinosaurs breathing at a very proud party, which had breakcore music playing in the background and two energetic uncles screaming to the beat.

M/C regarded Jake's cute hands and short eyes. "I feel the same way!" revealed M/C with a delighted grin.

Jake looked drowsy, his emotions blushing like a brief, blushing banana.

Then Jake came inside for a nice drink of green tea.


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