Episode 2-Suicides

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A group of friends, two girls and two boys, sat perched around the center table of the Eximius Naturalis High School lunch area. Each and every person in this group had a powerful parent.

First, there's Amaris, the Grim Reaper’s daughter. She was the unofficial leader of the group. She had her hair in a simple pony tail. Her icy blue silk top and black skinny jeans enhanced her silver eyes perfectly.

Next to her sat Talus, the son of the Life Bearer, and Amaris' other half. The two of them were, naturally, inseparable. His wild blond hair was neatly combed, and he was wearing a simple grey shirt with plain blue jeans.

Opposite the couple was Erlina, the daughter of the Tooth Fairy. Her tiny frame did not really take much space on the large bench.

Lastly, there was Zayden, son of Cupid, and definitely the bad boy of the group. His short black hair hung in front his face, and his dark blue eyes danced in the light.

Erlina and Zayden were in the middle of an argument, and Talus was trying to calm them both down. Amaris just sat there, watching her best friends silently with a small smile set upon her face.

Amaris' POV

"You're an idiot, Zayden. You're telling ME, of all people, that Alex doesn't have good teeth?"

"Yes, Erlina. Are you sure that the tooth fairy is your father? Because your sight seems a bit impaired."

I chuckled quietly to myself, watching as Zayden and Erlina argued whether Alex had nice teeth. Alex was just a simple warlock. I had no idea what started this fight in the first place, and I certainly wasn’t going to risk entering it. Talus was already trying to get the two of them to calm down, but I knew better.

"Tal, why are you stressing yourself out?" I asked, carelessly. His efforts were futile- I don’t know why he even bothers.

"Mar, they're going to kill each other if we don't stop them." I heard the sad anguish in his voice as he answered me.

"No, they won’t…” I paused, and suddenly and sniffed the air, before adding, "The scent of death isn't in the air, so with me here, they won’t kill each other." I concluded, matter-of-factly.

 Then I sighed. I knew my father had plans for me to deal with a suicide later today. Seriously, this business was taking a toll on my mental health. I had no idea how my father dealt with his job the way he does. The lost souls, the constant time-freezing spells involved the unplanned deaths that you have to deal with at unexpected moments… and the list goes on with all the other problems that come as a part of this job.

I shook all of those negative thoughts out of my head. I am the Grim Reaper's daughter, and I plan to do his job efficiently, whether I like it or not. I looked up just in time to see Erlina jump over the table, intending to attack Zayden. I was tired of them arguing nonsense.

"Enough, both of you," I calmly stated. I wasn't going to raise my voice at them, the argument wasn't worth it.

"This is getting out of hand and I refuse to let it go any further." I commanded, finishing. They stopped and looked at me, and Zayden began to challenge me through his eyes. So that's how he wants to play it. Well, his loss- everyone knows two can play at that game.

I stared at him dead in the eyes, waiting for him to stop doing the same to me. After a full five minutes of just staring at each other, Zayden looked away. I smirked, and set my eyes on Erlina.

"Look Mar, I'm sorry that we got out of hand. I'm apologizing for both me-" she stopped to glare at Zayden, “-and it over there." She finished, satisfied with herself.

A smile found its way on my face, even though the two friends didn’t stop glaring at each other. Erlina was certainly the optimist of the group. Her red-brown hair and freckles made her exceptionally cute, and if you account for the fact that she’s so tiny, it’s very hard to take her seriously. Her size, face, and mannerisms also help when she's trying to make you believe that everything's going to be ok.

Zayden, on the other hand, believes that since Cupid is his father, he's God's gift to women worldwide. I have tried to explain to him that not every girl in the world is going to kiss his feet, but of course, it always goes through one ear and comes out the other, unchanged and unaffected.

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