Episode 4-Lost Souls

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 Amaris has been unconscious for three weeks; no one knows the cause. Her mother and friends never leaving her side, unless they have to; and when they do they return to her side as soon as possible. Her father visiting her whenever the job allows him to; he even makes time to visit her. At this point in time, her mother has been at her bedside for fifteen minutes and the gang has been there for ten. Each praying for her to get up. Tavor hasn't left his mistress' side since and no one was able to move him. He demanded that he be left there until she awakes.


 The darkness enclosed me. I have no idea how long I've been here but all I know is that these cold, lifeless walls have held me captive and may never let me go. There is no way to tell time in this place and my Reaper senses weren't helpful. The walls kept expanding and contracting, trapping me like a rat and then setting my free for a moment before yanking that freedom away from me again.

 Heavy black chains tied me to the floor. Moving wasn't an option, the chains sucked the energy from my body; I couldn't even lift my thumb. Pain ran all over my body like a race track. The airless room was cold and unforgiving. It was enough to kill the strongest human. Luckily for me, I'm not human.

  It was a never ending process of pain and darkness; all I wanted was to get free. To go back to my mother and father, to return to the Reaper business. I never realized how much it meant to me till now. I wanted to hear Erlina and Zayden fight; to see Talus nearly burst a vein trying to calm them down. Lastly, I wanted to watch Tavor soar the skies and ask a million and one questions.

 I missed all of these things and there was this pain in my chest, it felt like someone ripped out an important part of me and replaced it with emptiness.


 That voice.

  I've been hearing all day; it sounded like the person was rasping for air.

  "Set yourself free don't let these walls confine you. Break free!"

That's easy for him to say he's not the one being forced into a corner. He's most definitely not the one whose being tortured. All the owner of that voice has been doing is talking and giving worthless advice. Who the hell does he think he is. He's al-

"Are you going to give up so easily love? Trust me I know your pain but I never knew that you were one to give up so easily, remember love all this just a dream and you can control your dreams. Just believe in yourself. I must le-"

"Hello, ummm random person. . . . are you there?" I shouted to the nothingness. There was no reply.

He stopped talking and as much as he was a pain in the ass, he was right this was just a dream. The darkness couldn't touch me in my own head. Thank you, you pain the ass voice, thank you. I stared the darkness straight in the face, with a new found courage. The darkness no longer had a hold on me, now I'm in control and I'll decide what's going on here.

The walls slowly moved further away from me, the chains fell to my feet like brittle paper. A small light formed at the end of the room there is was my goal, pushing myself off the ground, I crawled to the light. Soon I'll be free; I just need to keep moving.

It felt like an eternity before I arrived to the end of the room, I crawled into the light.

"Amaris! Oh thank goodness, I thought I lost you!," my eyes flew open as someone smothered me with a hug. "Listen to me young lady don't you even scare me like that again, your father and I were past worried and with all the lost souls problems and everything else, oh God Amaris th-"

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