Yo, i kinda did this....

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hows everyone's day goin?

its gonna get bad once you reach this chap. or whatever this is.

i made a rap for roasting savannah.

completely from my imagination.

i only did a few verses and heres when the cringe comes:

yall have to add to this rap.

you dont have to but yEa

i feel like yall do better than me

les begin:

Savannah, you better pay attention,

We gotta few things we should mention

First of, why do you do the things you do?

Are you trying to impress the ones who pity you?

Katsuki never likes you in the first place you dumb whore!

Aw, dont feel sad yet, there's even more!


i regret my whole existence-

ah yes, this is my cringey roasting rap. for savannah

add on a few verses if you want, i dont mind. in fact, maybe change the whole thing!

anyways bai!

ill be working on a oneshot to prove todobaby's innocence. *cough* my cousin said he aint innocent *cOuGh*

Things i did this summer:

Have swimming lessons that could make my legs fall off.

Go to a carnival and enjoy dangerous rides.

See fireworks that kinda scare me-

Go skydiving indoors. (i like the wind)

Have piano lessons because my mom put me in there. (but the teacher's nice lol)

Wear a hoodie and somehow not feel hot.

Making cringey raps.

Writing this book and maybe finishing it this summer.

Stressing about middle school.

Going to the beach and get flipped over by big waves. (and dies for a little bit lol)

ok, srsly bai.

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