we travel (warcross x Legend crossover)

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"Shit." Jax whispers. Her voice is harsh. And through our comms, I can really tell that she's disgusted.

"Someone just got killed here last week. Cameras aren't working well, but I caught it." Sasuke says, his voice tickling my ears, his voice is so human like now that it shoots shivers down my spine.

I stand from my crouch. It rained last night, and puddles formed everywhere on the roof where I'm standing. There is a small incline, from when this place was bombed a while ago, from what I've heard, around a decade ago.

From what June told me, this destroyed building was once a trial building, where they conducted trials for children at the age of ten. Then the new president, excuse me, elector ended it.

And apparently the US is split into two countries. So if I want to go back to New York, I would get arrested for trespassing.

It's a history I do not want to decipher at all.

I glance down at the narrow alleyway where Jax is. She is poking at a black plastic bag with a metal stick. A foul smell comes from it as I edge closer, stinging my nostrils. I hold back an urge to barf.

This part of the city is under reconstruction and is abandoned by everyone who used to live here. As the elector, Anden called for a great reconstruction of the nation. That is a plan that was announced years ago. This part is still untouched, so crimes happen a lot here.

I jump down, grasping a pole and slide down next to Jax. I swallow the contents of my breakfast back down as the smell teases my nose.

"Dead body in here, for lord's sake." I spit as I put on the only mask on me when I entered the Tokyo Institute of Technology, which sent me sprawling in dark space, my skin threatening to leave my body as it sucked me into the future.

I really hate it here.

Jax followed suit when she saw me entering, and now she's grimacing at the dead body inside a black plastic trash bag.

"Daniel really told us to investigate this? Really?" She shakes her gloved hand horrantly as she drops the bag.

"We never did investigative work back in our time." I murmur. I cringe, pun not intended.

Jax gives me a pointed look.

I furrow my brows and look at her, confused, until Sasuke chimes in. "You were a bounty hunter Emika, Hideo's little wildcard sniffing out my tracks. You don't call that investigating?"

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Yes, right"

"Now get to work. They want us back at nine. It's already six a.m." Jax scowls at me. I'm the one in charge of recognizing the victim, since they've learned about my strong memory.

I look at the body inside (TW: DEAD BODY DESCRIPTION). Blood stains the plastic, clinging and dropping from the surface. The person, a man apparently, is headless. Dark, hardened blood clots cling to the area where his head should've been. Bugs devor at the rotting body all over.

I jolt and back away. My body tenses and I barely get a chance to take off my mask before all my breakfast splutters onto the wall and fills its cracks. The gore image now lives in my head.

"For hell's sake." Jax says, annoyed as she hits my back with her elbow, helping me spill out the rest of my stomach juice onto the corner. "I'll do it. Give me the pictures. I'll identify him."

I hand her the pictures of the missing man as I walk further from the corpse and towards a clean part of the wall. My body is shaking and my legs are weak, I'm ready to collapse at any moment.

Then she turns away and spills the contents out of the bag.

I look away huffing in breaths. My knees fail and I fall against the wall, holding myself up with my arm against the wall. I lean on it, my head dizzy and pounding.

"It is him." Jax says as she passes me. She waves her hand, mentioning to me to get up. "The missing general from last week. Now he's fucking headless." She makes a gagging sound, as if to push the smell out of her mouth.

"Damn, I thought you were trained for this, Jackson." Zero teases, this familiar voice spooks me.

"I have never been around dead bodies for this long!" Jax argues, throwing her hands in the air. "I'm totally clueless on how to take care of them once they're bagged up, k?"

When we get back to the headquarters where Daniel works at, he greets us with a wide grin. "Sup, cousins, you got the guy?" His eyes are as blue as Asher's. I wonder if they are related somehow. What a stupid thought, I think to myself.

"Yes, thanks to Jax we were able to identify the body." I glance in Jax's direction, where she coughs uncomfortably at the mention of her name. "It is indeed General Johnson."

"Aw man. He was a good guy." Daniel mutters as he leads us down the hall. "Where did you say you were from again?"

"Tokyo, Japan. I don't know how I ended up here either" I reply, glancing at the concrete walls. All this belongs to a dystopian movie. The derevolution sent them back to the 1970s.

"Tokyo, Japan... Where's that?" He asks, a look of confusion crosses Daniel's face.

"Uh, it's in Asia?" I reply, puzzled at his response.

"What- where's Asia?"

A lady in her 20s passes by. "It's a continent on the eastern hemisphere, Wing. You never look at maps."

"Oh." He says. "Well, thanks, Director." Daniel casts a grin towards her direction as she passes us.

Even his last name is Wing. Is he really related to Asher?

Jax seems to wonder this too because she stares at him, trying to find a connection.

Sasuke breaks our trance. "Ever since the United States split into two, the two countries removed knowledge of the rest of the world. They only know The Republic, The Colonies, and at most, Antarctica."

Me and Jax nod in understanding. "So that's what happened." I whisper.

"Although Japan no longer exists in the year you're in, since they've been flooded over. The glaciers really melted at this point, so don't expect yourself to be able to return to present day Tokyo."

Japan's gone. That means the Institute is also gone.

"Then we're stuck here forever?" Jax queries, her fingers drumming on her belt is enough to tell me that she is easeless.

"Yes. But to my discovery, technology created by doctor Taylor has been moved to the Sky Level laboratories in Ross City, Antarctica."

Where? Antarctica? "What does that mean?" I ask him. "Antarctica?"

"Yes, time travel technology was developed by another team in the institute under Taylor's eye. And since part of the continent melted, people of all backgrounds have been moving there and developing. Ross City, per se, is the melted portion. So, If you want to return to your present day, you must travel to Ross City and go home from there. "

"And I am glad to say that your new version of the Neurolink has been useful, Emika."

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