Rainy day

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Rumbling sounds come from outside, waking me. I open my eyes to see the place still dark, it's still midnight. Hideo stirs beside me, he's unbelievably a heavy sleeper sometimes. My senses become alert, I hear steady but loud hits on the window. It's raining hard, probably a storm.
I sigh, it's going to be a long time before I fall back asleep. Hideo grunts beside me.
"You're up so early, Emi" He mutters. I woke him up.
I lay back down beside him, pulling the blanket higher over my shoulders. It has gotten colder now, fall has came, and I'm not really prepared.
Hideo wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer, till my back is pushed against his chest. I can't help but blush at this gesture, feeling the warmth of his body against my skin, his  fingers tracing my collarbone. He murmurs some words in my ear, his calm breathing blocks out some of the heavy raining outside. Gradually, I fall asleep.

I open my eyes to some bright light coming from outside the window. The curtains are opened, early morning light spills in the space. It's now that I feel the empty space beside me. The blanket on me is doubled, heavier than before. I scan the room, no sign of him. I look at the time: 6:42 a.m. The usual waking time. The door is open, a pleasant aroma drifts into the room. I groan, pulling off the sheets, and lazily walk outside. I lean against the wall of the hallway, carefully watching Hideo as he prepares breakfast, the pleasant aroma, as I see now, is the miso soup and sweet rice that is cooking.
He glances my way and sees me. "Morning, beautiful." A small smile touches his lips, at this moment, he looks young, younger than the former CEO who was a mystery just a few years ago.
Hideo finishes cooking, carefully pouring the soup and rice in bowls, while I help with the other dishes.
We have a nice breakfast, enjoying each other's presence.
The rain is heavy, canceling our plans for the day.
I walk to a window, setting on the windowsill and admire the plants, and the raindrops that lightly tap and drip off the leaves, forming puddles on the stepping stone and soil. A large blooming flower in the garden that is bright red beams, standing out from the other vegetation in the dull weather. I open a out-opening window, enjoying the fall of precipitation outside, the scent is clean, the sound calming.
Hideo sits reading in an armchair nearby, a stack of books beside him on a coffee table. I spend the afternoon asking him about the plants in the garden, the plants remind him of his parents, the bushes and vegetation at his old home.
After some conversation about plants and projects, Hideo decides to play some video games.
I lean against the cushions, tilting my head back, then towards the TV screen again as Hideo gets hit by a shell again in Mario kart.
"You suck at this game." I mutter, and its true, he's at 5th place out the only 8 slots, already at the final round.
He sighs and throws the controller in my lap as he passes the finish line at 6th place. "Then you play, I'll watch, and learn."
I flex my fingers. "Learn, from the master." I joke, picking up the device. I didn't really start playing this game until being with the riders.
Mr. Silver streak rolls his eyes and scoffs, sighs and decides to look straight ahead towards the TV.
I shift my seating position and focus on the game, getting an easy 1st place on my try.
I throw my hands up in the air, my right hand still gripping the controller. "see, it's that easy.
He eyes me and speaks in a mocking tone. "You're a natural." he sighs out. His hands reaching for the controller still in my hand, and I lean away from his grasp.
"You think I'm just gonna sit here and watch in embarrassment from that" I point at the screen, "Terrible display you just showed me?" My eyes widen with my rising passion (possibly of wanting to fight), and put the device behind my back against the cushions.
"Emika," Hideo starts, "I'm switching to another game." His hands still trying to reach behind me into the soft material.
"Why, 'cause you suck? That isn't an excuse." I push harder into the pillows, the controller grips digging into my skin, a playful smile touch my lips.
His strong hands seize my shoulders, trying to pull me up but I just push down more. His almost grin falters as he actually concentrates on getting the controller.
I don't budge, and he can't do anything. His lips move close to my ear, and breathe "Emika." My heart skips a beat, but I don't waver. Instead I push him off me- struggling against his strong body, and try to punch him. One blow, his grip loosens but does not come off, but he grunts, so thats a start.
"Give me the controller." The whisper is not convincing.
My eyes meet his, our gazes locking. At my expression his determined look falls.
He sits up off the couch and heads to a nearby room.
A smirk forms and I beam at my small victory, that- until Hideo sits beside me and puts a box on the coffee table. A chess board.
I groan and sit up, the controls poking my thigh as I shift my seating position.
Enough of these, Hammie's plays already give me endless headaches.
Hideo senses my retorts. "Either this," He nods at the board game he's already setting up. "or that." He turns and looks at the controller at my thigh, holding out a hand.
I stand up and ignore him, walking by a window and admiring the thin rain that has now softened its pace.
My eyes blink once, gaming audio plays in the background. I tilt my head and watch halfheartedly at Hideo kill zombies on a zombie apocalypse simulator game.
I with a sigh sit back down by his side and watch with forced interest at rotten green and purple flesh getting shot off by brain-eating monsters.
I lean my head against his shoulder, my eyes heavy with boredom, the struggling cries of artificial inhuman creatures not bothering to startle me as the unconscious takes over.

(Hi! Sorry I couldn't update sooner. I had a massive writing block and found no time for hobbies because of school and no motivation whatsoever. Like always if you have any suggestions, ideas, etc I welcome them. I might not update again for a while due to I don't have drafts currently at the moment and it's forgettable b/c of other things. Hope you Enjoyed and see you next time)

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