In trouble

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Pov Cindy
Last night was annoying. Ziggy is crazy and now I have a crazy sister. I woke up and we decided what to do with Ziggy. Your sister is cool willam said. Shut up Kurt said. We should just give her a warning because we brought the weed and beer Nick said. We all agreed. It was werid Nick doesn't even like shadysiders. We all went her cabin. It was just her because everyone was eating breakfast. I woke her she was in orange shorts and a black bra. She woke up an you can tell she was annoyed. She told Nick or willam to get her shirt because it was the closest to them. She put on her shirt and her shoes. That when we started talking about last night. She said it was all for fun. We told her she not in trouble and told her get breakfast. Of course she doesn't listen and goes back to her cabin. She flipped us off before she went in. We ignored her and go on with our day.

Pov Ziggy Berman
I went back to my cabin and decided to take more photos. I went to Sheila cabin and saw her picking he nose and I took a photo.
I laughed and started looking backwards then I bumped into willam and nick. I didn't realize it was them I said sorry and ran off. They said wait. I look back and notice it was them. Yeah replied nick said where I was going. I said back to my cabin. They said they needed help to consular the boys in archery. I agreed and went with them. I was somehow really good and the boys thought I was cheating. I replied your just jealous. Jealous about what one boy said. Me being better than a boy I replied. I noticed nick getting jealous but also he looked mad. But I just continue being better till lunch. At lunch nick sat with me which was weird because he has own table and he a consular but I didn't mind because I usually don't sit with anyone or don't eat. He started talking about his life I just gave him a look and he noticed and said what. I said nick Goode the perfect golden boy with an amazing family and the perfect new sheriff. He said it different than that. I said why. He said because he doesn't want to to be a sheriff and he actually wants to start a book club and he like bugs. I said who are you? Nick Goode he said as he took out his hand.
I noticed that he had a cool ring so I said cool ring. He started taking off the ring and gave to me. I smiled and gave one of my rings. Then I said here so you can remember the werid shadysider. Well your my favorite shadysider he said. I chuckled. Then went back to my cabin and fell asleep.

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