-the girl-

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nobody's POV

It is a beautiful sunny morning in LA. You wake up to the relaxing noise of waves splashing together in the distance. You can tell it is going to be a good day. You get out of bed, still half asleep and make your way downstairs. You plan on going to the beach today as it is meant to be sunny and hot all day. You have made plans with your bestfriend Belle to have a beach picnic together as you don't hang out very often. It is also because you have a little crush on her.

You get all your things together, make a mental checklist of everything and walk out the door. On your way to the beach you think about how Bella makes you feel and that you are going to confront her about her feelings. You want to tell her how she makes you smile and makes you laugh. You get there and there Bella is, beautiful as always. You both set down your things and start talking. You are about to confront her about your crush when you notice that she is talking about her crush on someone else. You know it isn't you as she told you the name of her crush. Of course it wasn't you.

You feel crushed but try and hide it. You lift your head up but you suddenly spot a woman walking down the beach. She is wearing a black and white swimming costume and has the most beautiful facial features and the most perfect body. You sit there in awe at the site of her. You quickly scramble up out of your sitting position and run up to her. You tell her how pretty she is and she thanks you. You start to feel awkward and sit back down.

A/N - thanks for reading the first chapter :)) i will try and update this book as much as i can :))

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