Chapter 1<--- This is only the beginning

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In dream.......

Dylan O'brien : i love you

Me: i love you to

Dylan kneels down on one knee

Dylan O'brien: will you Beep!!!!

Me: repeat that please

Dylan O'brien: will you Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!

Snaps out of dream..

My eyes snap open immediately, making me frustrated with why he couldnt say those last few words.

My attention quickly averts back to the still beeping alarm clock. I reach my hand over and push the off button. Slowly siting up, not wanting to rush and get a head ache . I reach my hands up to my half open mouth and wipe the drool that seemed to form over night I oviously know why though. Nothings better than waking up from and awesome dream of Dylan O'brien *note the sarcasm.

I carefully pulled my feet over the bed once on my two feet , i stood proud well until my knee's buckled and i tumbled to the floor. Attempting to army crawl to my bed I was sure i probably looked like a worm baking in the sun. When i reached my bed i hoisted myself up and restared the whole getting out of bed thing again. This time I didnt take the tumble again. Proud of myself i gave myself a pat on the back.

I quickly tip toed to my bathroom trying to get my poor toes off this ice they call a floor. Skipping into my bathroom i had an internal battle weither to look in the mirror or not, i finally decided and took a glimpse in the mirror. Staring back at me was tangledhair makeup smeared, dried drool girl in the mirror. Next Halloween i should just go like this because let me tell you folks it wasnt pretty i could scare children with this. Well time to take off the mask i tried to take off a mask i knew wasnt there and it just back fired in my face noticing that hideous thing is me.

I stripped of my clothes and hoped in the shower. Grabbing my strawberry body washed i scrubbed till i felt clean. I reached over and got a dime of shampoo in my hand and started rubbing my hands together. My hands tangled in my hair trying to rid the grease and dirt (take note i said tried). Just to finish it off i got a pennys woth of shampoo and repeated the process with the shampoo, i finally rinsed my hair and watched as all the dirty soap went down the drain.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a bright blue clean towel around my self and tucked it in as I grabbed another towel for my hair and wrapped so i looked like i had a weave. When I stepped out of my bathroom and procceded to my closet, I searched through the line of shirts hanging in my closet. Finally I decided on a batman crop - top I walked over to my dresser and opened the first drawer i pulled out a push up braw and lace pantys ( yes we might be country but i like to fell good about myself). I reached down to my second drawer and pulled out bright yellow skinny jeans to go with the crop- top. (oh did i mention i have all the colors of the rainbow in skinny jeans).

I threw on my outfit and trotted back to my bathroom. Then I took my dark brown hair out of the towel and started to blow dry it till it was almost dry. Reaching over, i grabbed the only makeup i wear- eyeshadow, eye liner, and mascara. I applied a light coating of white eye shadow and put my brown sparkly eyeliner over it i whisked on some mascara, and threw on my black all star converses . I threw my pack on my shoulder (AKA my bookbag) and headed out towards the brown wood door. Before i stepped out i called farewell to my parents and grabbed a granny smith apple.

Right there waiting in my drive way was my 2005 mustang i got it for sale at a car dealership. They were trying to get rid of it so i bought it for $6,000. It was pretty cheap considering its a mustang and the great conition its in. I jumped in the front driver seat and took off towards Irisi's house. Pushing the round button, i turned on the music as ussual i was pleased to hear the song This is Gospel by Panic! at the Disco.

Nearly five minutes have past and im already at Iris's house. Its a ten minute walk but if you drive you can cut the time in half. Iris as usual was standing by the curb shifting all her wait to one foot and chewing on her lip which was a bad habit. She perked up a bit when she noticed me, but she must have been in some deep thought cause i have been sitting in front of her for 40 seconds and she still has yet to get the car. As if on reflex i honked my horn and she jumped in the car. The song Riptide by Vance Joy came on and we couldnt help but jam out to it.

We finally arrived at the school and as usual it was hard to find a parking space so we circled the parking lot a couple of times before finally finding an open spot. As if on cue we both exited the car and grabbed our bags. As Iris was struggling to get her pack i just stood there staring at RidgeWay High one of the most well known schools in Georgia . I looked back over at Iris who was wearing her superman crop - top with her dark blue skinny jeans to match the dark blue coloring of the tips in her hair. Just so you now we totally planned this out.

"You ready to enter living hell?" Iris asked

"As ready as I'll ever be..."

To be continued .......

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