Chapter 2<---- Kidnapped? Really was that necessary ?

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Just as we opened the school doors I began to regret my decision to wake up this morning . But no I couldn't leave Iris here by her self with a bunch of psychotic hormonal teenagers.
We split ways heading to our lockers. I quickly turn the knob on my locker to match my code. I hear a slight click and know it's unlocked. Then I grabbed my biology and History notebooks and head to my first class. When I enter I only notice that 20% of the class is in the room so I quickly take a seat before the rest start to fill in. I choose my usual seat in the row above the back there is a strict rule against sitting in the back and that rule was made by non other than Alex Martin (AKA the school bad boy/player- yeah he is a real panty dropper but I'm to smart than to fall for someone like that). Not to mention he's the Alpha's son so all the teenage hormonal female wolves drop at his feet hoping to be his Luna, but only one girl or as I call her slut in particular gets his attention the most and her name is Carly Mcgumery. She is known as the pack slut. Every guy has seen her body from jock to nerd she is a total sex addict . This is her phrase, "it's just pleasure why not enjoy it." Ugh she disgust me. But Alex just uses her luckily she knows it. I hate to admit it Alex is hot but I couldn't see him as my type. And unlike the other girls I'd rather give my virginity to my mate. Iris is lucky she has me other whys she would have been played. I made sure she did not associate with Alex. I focused my attention back to the board as class began I didn't really need to pay attention because are teacher is just repeating what she said Friday. She tends to do that a lot she very old so I don't judge but sometimes it gets annoying and i don't dare to tell her- I tried once and I had a long talk with the principle.
If you noticed im one of those people who dont speak a lot but think a lot.

By the end of the day I met up with Iris and Fallen. Fallen is my 2nd most bestest friend in the world has pitch black hair and gorgeous green eyes she has plump pink lips and a curvy body she has a special blonde streak in her hair that just gets her eyes to pop . We all walked back to my car Fallen took the back seat while Iris sat beside me in the passenger seat. I shifted into gear and sped out of there like a crazy woman on crack , i wasn't going to spend any unessesary time at school when there is no need.

We dropped Fallen off at her house to make sure she wasnt late becasue her dad is abusive when she disobeys you might ask why we havent told but Fallen made us promise. She loves her dad to much to see him thrown in jail. Fallen said his abuse is love but he shows it in a diffrent way then others.

After we dropped her off we drove off to short pump mall (an outside mall) only a couple miles away from the mall Iris decided to speak up.

"How about we go to Daisy Medow its only 25 minutes away?" she asked.

The look of disbeleif hit my face when i heard her want to not shop she always wants to shop.

Instead of quuestioning her i nodded my head and continued to Daisy Medow , the only reasoni didnt argue was because of the pleading look in her eyes. Silence quickly consumed the vehicle so i turned on the radio and to my bemusement me and my moms song Stolen Dance- by Milky Chance came on. I bobbed my head to the song rehearsing the lyrics in my head. I havent heard this song in forever. I stopped by the road and drove a couple feet in the grass of the medow.

We both exited the vehicle and started to wander the medow cherishing the beauty of the flowers.The calming mood when i heard a squeal come from Iris.

"Lets go for a run around the meadow!" Iris squealed.

Right on cue we both changed into our wolves. My wolf was black with a white patch of fur over my eye i could try to make up some random legend to seem cooler but why? my wolf is alredy awesome her name is dandelion but i call her Dan. I look over towards Iris's wolf and see her blonde fur withbrown spots all over her. Her green eyes now a mellow brown.

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