He did what !!

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When he got closer I started to cower down in fear. Mr.kidnapper grabbed my chin roughly and made me stare into his crystal blue eyes.

"When I look at you, you will look at me in the eyes, got it?"

I still didn't answer to afraid to speak when he grabbed my arm and started hauling me back to his pack house.

"Get off of me you creep, I'm not going anywhere with you !"

"Wrong answer princess" and in a swift movement he picked me up and threw me up over his shoulder.
I started banging my fists on his back and screeching like a banshee , until he did the unbelievable he slapped my ass.
I can't believe he has the nerve.

"You know I think I like the view",he said.

"How dare you touch me like that!" I screeched .

He quickly dropped me to the ground and pinned me to a tree trunk that was covered in green fluffy moss.

"Listen sweetheart I own you , you are MINE! Got that" he said.

His eyes were as black as charcoal at the moment and it really scared me. I backed up into the tree even more trying to get away from him. At the sight of this movement he pulled me close and connected our lips. At first I didn't respond until this little voice in my head said "kiss him dumbass kiss him" after hearing those words echo through out my brain I started to react back. Oh and not by kissing back by the way I started smacking his head till my hands hurt he finally pulled away and gave me deathly glare.

"How dare you not let me touch you AND HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT!" By the time he stopped screaming at me I was screaming back.

"NO MISTER HOW DARE YOU!, YOU KIDNAP ME AND MY BEST FRIEND AND DEMAND IM YOURS WELL LISTEN HERE BUSTER MATE OR NOT NO ONE TREATS ME LIKE THIS!" by the end of my raging words I was lifted back up and carried into the room I was chained in.
My kidnapper set me on the bed and chained both my hands then started chaining my feet.

Tears pricked my eyes as he got on top of me and gave me an evil smirk , he bent his head down and started licking and nibbling on my sweet spot in the crook of my neck . He started grazing his teeth along it and teasing me. But more tears started to flow down my face as I noticed that he was going to forcefully mark me .

"No ......no ....please ....don't ....please" I finally sobbed out.

"It's to late for that princess" and after those few words he bit down on my neck sending searing hot pains all through my body
afterwards he licked it to help it heal.
He then got off me admiring his work and unchained me and walked away.

I curled up into a ball while the sobs rocked through my body. I heard the door creak open and started to sob louder thinking it was my kidnapper.

A hand slid up and down my back in a comforting manner until I finally started to drift off into a dreamless sleep. When I had awoken my throat felt like it was stripped of skin and my eyes felt all sticky and gooey just by the way I felt I knew I was crying I couldn't exactly remember why so I got up and walked to the bathroom . I know what your thinking she's awfully calm for someone who got kidnapped well I'm not calm I'm just tired .

I walked into the bathroom ignoring the mirror . I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. The shower didn't hold my strawberry body wash so I just reached out and got the Axe body soap. I found some shampoo and started massaging my scalp with it I soon reached out and got a dimes worth of conditioner and starting tangling my fingers through my hair with it . Once all the soap was washed away by the water and circled down the drain I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me and found another one for my hair. I didn't have any new clothes so I just put my old ones back on but after feeling all the dirt on my old shirt touch my clean skin I decided against it.

I peeked my head out of the door to check if the coast was clear before I made my way out of the bathroom and to one off the many drawers in the room I took out a royal blue t-shirt. Once I put it over my head and on my body it flowed down to my knees.

I decided to wear a pair of shorts with it to be on the safe side . After towel drying my hair and getting ready for the day I creaked open my door and started making my way towards the kitchen for food cause I'm hungry .

To be continued ..................

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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