Dare 4

53 4 2

From yoru_no_sora456
Sneak up on Alex and Magnus kissing and get some blackmail material.

Well, it's a good thing that we're going out to celebrate the year anniversary of The Chase Space being open.  We've done pretty well with running it so far.  When Blitz and I aren't busy at the shop and when I'm not practicing with runes, we go help out over there. 

I run a small sign language class there, with five teenagers.  We have Evan Brady, a trans boy who got kicked from his house for being trans, Maria and Luca Rossi, twin runaways, and Leda Foster and Ruby Kent, two girls who were kicked out of their houses for dating each other.  They're still together.  Safe to say, they all are the new additions to the family of empty cups, even if they don't know it.

We jog over to the ice cream shop, meeting up with Alex, Magnus, Mallory, Halfborn, Samirah, and TJ.  Sadly, Amir couldn't make it today, he said he had an appointment. The curse word lessons with TJ have gone well.  He now holds a fighting chance against Mallory's Gaelic curses.  I'm so proud.  He ditched the Civil War outfit for more normal looking attire, and even Halfborn cleaned up fairly well. 

Blitz however, is still wearing dressy pants and a shirt that looks like it belongs in a fancy restaurant.  We are literally just going out for ice cream.  He's also clean shaven, thanks to a dare from Alex, and I think he still looks gorgeous.  It's also much easier to read his lips now.  Anyways, my love note went over well!  He likes me back!  This is literally the best news I have had in my entire life, aside from when I was told I'd be getting rune magic lessons from Odin himself!

Feelings of love aside, I'm wondering how to do this.  I have a phone on me, but how am I supposed to catch them kissing?  I should probably put the picture at the top of here so you guys can see it.  Be warned, I'm not much of a photographer. (A/N. Yes, I did draw a fanart just for this.)

We walk up to the small ice cream store. It's called Cherry On Top, and Blitz, Magnus, and I have been here before. The staff are pretty nice, as long as you don't make a scene. Right now, it's pretty empty, except for a giantess sitting at a table. I wonder what the mortals see? She doesn't look like she's in the mood for attacking us, however.

We leave her be, and go to order our ice cream. I hate having to get someone else to order for me, it makes me feel like a child, but I can't expect for everyone to know ASL. I get vanilla, along with Alex and Sam. They get strawberry syrup on theirs, though. Mallory gets maple, with caramel. Halfborn ends up getting a massive cone of strawberry ice cream, and Blitz and Magnus get chocolate.

We decide to not sit in the same area as the giantess. Who knows if she brought slightly more homicidal friends with her? We walk to a spot with a low stone wall overlooking a lake. It's pretty. There's only a couple benches and one metal table with two chairs. Alex and Magnus take the table, the rest of us sitting either on the wall or the benches.

As I'm talking with Sam about her flying lessons, which I'm rather curious about, I see her look in Halfborn's direction. I turn around, and see Mallory and the beserker arguing about something. I can't read their lips from here, but they seem mad. Then, she takes his ice cream cone from his hand, and smashes it on his head.

"Halfborn, you deserved that! I dare you to keep that ice cream on your head. We'll get you a new one later, cause we're nice!", Alex says from her table. Well, whatever he did, I don't care. I drift over to Blitz.

"Hey, what do you think we should do tomorrow?  The shop's gonna be closed, and I don't really have an idea or any plans.", Blitz says. 

"Well, we could probably go to that new burger place down the street with the rest.  It's supposed to be pretty good.", I sign.  "Oh, good idea!  I'll check if we need reservations.", he replies.  I'm pretty sure we don't need reservations, but okay.  I leave him to do his thing.  

My ice cream is pretty good, if not as cold as Niflheim itself.  Alex and Magnus are talking about something.  I can't read their lips from here.  I see them going in for a kiss, and from my hidden corner, I catch them on camera.  Dare done, what's next? 

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