Chapter 1: Felix Edwards

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No matter how many beasts there are in existence; colossal, horrid, or even deadly, there are humans whom to be more wicked. Felix recited lines from his script while his makeup crew proceeded into the third phase of his transformation into Dante, a half-demon bounty hunter. Today was the first day of shooting and he had been in this makeup chair since 4:00am this morning, inside the most spacious trailer he had ever been in. Minus all the people that squeezed amongst each other to make Felix look believable as can possibly be. Winston, his Norwegian Elkhound, rested at his feet. The makeup team forced to work around him, the dog that is. Winston let out subtle snores in response. His sounds made Felix feel more at ease as he was forced to sit still to ensure a near flawless application for the past how many hours.

Winston was originally his mother's back at their countryside farmhouse in England. It's been a year since her passing and with her gone, had taken a toll on both of them. Winston was only a two-year old pup at the time Felix had taken him in. They both still reside in that old farmhouse. Felix is unable to let go of her just yet. He sold his New York flat and decided to go back to his home where he had grown up. Winston grew to be Felix's companion and Felix wasn't aware of how much he needed him until then.

Now they temporarily reside in a quaint air BNB in Los Angeles while Felix filmed his next big movie "The Wrath of Dante" while making a few brief appearances for interviews here and there. Normally in the past, his assistant would book a suite for him at the nearest suitable hotel but with Winston now in the picture, doing that was rather difficult. Not that many pet-friendly hotels around and if there were, weight limit usually caps off around 35 pounds. Winston already was about 50 pounds and his fluff added an additional 5 or 10, visually.

"Alright Chap, thirty more minutes until shooting. Get that wig on him for Christ's sake." Yelled Garret, his very American assistant. He liked to mimic Felix's accent for fun, not knowing it pulled Felix's strings the wrong way. Felix rolled his unnaturally golden eyes in response. Winston awoke at his entrance and greeted Garret with a few sniffs at the foot of his pants. "Aye, you smell my cats there do ya mate." He laughed, mixing Felix's accent with a bit of Australian.

Felix watched as they pulled back his dark hair into some sort of hair wrap and slid on a long grayish silver wig that went past his shoulders. He could barely recognize himself. "You sure you'll be fine walking Winston, Garret? He has a strong pull, so you'll have to let him know who's in charge."

"Yeah, yeah. I know how to handle dogs. I've had a few growing up myself." Garret said as he placed a K-cup to brew. It filled the room with a strong, sweet, toffee smell that made Felix cringe. "You know, while managing your Instagram account, I noticed a particular someone liked your recent picture." He gave Felix a side wink as he stirred additional sugar into his coffee. This made Felix's teeth tingle.

"Oh, really." Felix said in the most uninterested tone. He barely looked at his Instagram page himself. A majority of his posts he could imagine are on-set shots or movie posters as a way to advertise. None of them taken himself but were impromptu shots taken by Garret. It felt awkward to Felix to take what they call a "selfie".

"Eva Rose. She's quite big lately. Has a few films coming to theatres and a Netflix series original in the next coming year. Busy gal." He continued as he took a bite of a sprinkled donut that has been sitting on the counter all morning. "I've done you the favor of liking her recent post as well."

Felix raised an eyebrow. "And what did I like, exactly?" Garret put down his nearly literal cup of hot sugar and pulled up the app on his phone. Felix's eyes widened as he flustered in embarrassment. Eva was nearly wearing anything. A bathing suit to the eyes of an American. A tiny possible handkerchief to anyone else. Tanning, it looks like somewhere in the Maldives. "Please undo the like." Felix said firmly.

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