Chapter 6: Felix Edwards

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From Felix's pre-celeb days, Lenne did have a channel on Youtube. She did have accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, all of them. But one day out of the blue, all of her accounts vanished. She was doing well too, Felix would say. Several thousand followers on each platform. So, for her to disappear like that was mind boggling and Felix had to admit, heartbreaking.

Felix never shared this information with anyone else before but, he was a fanboy. For Lenne that is.

Back when he was living on his own in New York, struggling to obtain any audition he could, he would watch her gaming videos. At the time, there weren't that many female gamers on the scene who were good at the games they played. Most wore revealing outfits or costumes to mask their lack of gaming skill. Lenne on the other hand didn't need to do all that.

She was genuinely skilled at video games, genuinely nerdy and genuinely cute

Lenne didn't need the extravagant cosplay makeup or wigs. She gained the attention by simply being herself.

Felix felt his skin heat up from under the layers of fake armor as he prepared for his next scene. He gripped the handle of his blunt sword, practicing the swings for the battle sequence coming up.

A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead as he continued his swordplay. His role as Dante was different than any role he's ever played before. It was something that was completely out of his comfort zone yet something that he's always wanted to play. Probably because Lenne once said it would be amazing to play a fantastical movie role but didn't think that one day he would actually be playing as one and one of the most anticipated.

He tried watching her Twitch Stream during his very long make-up session that day which included fake blood and hair more disheveled than usual but unfortunately, she wasn't on. Of course, she has a life Felix. She might even have a boyfriend. A girl like that, she must have a boyfriend. Or girlfriend?

Felix's mind must have been elsewhere because he missed a step before catching himself from making an embarrassing tumble.

"Are you okay there, Felix? Do we need the stunt double to step in?" His manager said while holding his phone to his ear, he must be placed on hold.

"That won't be necessary. My mind must've been clouded there for a second but I'm fine." Felix said as he sheathed his sword while regaining his composure.

"Good, good. I heard that you got yourself a date with Eva Rose. She's a hot commodity right now." He returned. "How'd you manage that?" He asked with an impressed look on his face.

Felix stared at him blankly before realizing he must be referring to the girl that Garret was telling him about the other day before Winston had gone missing. "Oh...right. We're only getting coffee. It was all Garret's doing, it's not a big deal."

"Oh, but it is a big deal." His manager grinned. "I think this will do big things for you. The media is going to eat that up! I can see you guys being the hottest couple in Hollywood. Great work."

Felix let out a disappointed sigh. He couldn't care less about this Eva Rose and who she was. Especially with the social media content that he'd seen so far of hers; skimpy bathing suits, yacht parties, and being the brand ambassador of expensive brands that even he had a hard time pronouncing himself. He didn't like that his colleagues now were pushing the idea of her onto him.

"She's one of the highest trending celebrities at the moment, it wouldn't hurt to get on her level as well. It will definitely gain more attention as we move closer to the movie premiere." His manager lifted up his free hand to bring Felix's attention to the set that surrounded them. "We all know this film deserves time in the spotlight. We've waited a long time to have the opportunity to shoot The Wrath of Dante."

"Right...right." Felix slowly nodded as he wrung the handle of his sword at his side. Was this really happening? His management now pressuring him on who he should date? Hearing it from Garret was tolerable because he didn't take it too seriously but hearing his from his direct manager... well it was different.

"Ah yes, I'm here." His manager said into his phone as he nodded and winked at Felix before taking his leave to continue the phone conversation. Felix must have looked so pathetic in that moment regardless of all the armor and weaponry he had equipped.

The rest of the day on set went more smoothly than Felix had expected it to. His dilemma with Eva Rose mixed with his curiosity of Lenne made for a fitting expression when engaging in hand-to-hand combat on set. It was effortless aside for the fact that the rest of the crew included in the combat had a difficult time keeping up.

After Felix was all cleaned up and free from his character's gear, he headed back to his trailer to be greeted by Winston. He jumped up around Felix as usual, but it slowly came to a stop as it still seemed like he was bummed out like he was after he left Lenne's place. That had to be the reason Winston was acting this way because Felix took him to the vet the other day and he was perfectly fine and healthy.

"We've got to figure out a way to cheer you up, boy." Felix shuffled his ears until Winston's goofy grin showed up and made him smile.

Suddenly, Felix's phone vibrated on the side table. The notification read,

"Twitch: Lenne Wolfe is now LIVE."

Felix's heart jumped to his throat which made him uneasily gulp in response. He took a deep breath, in and out. Felix didn't understand why he was so nervous, it wasn't not like he was the one live streaming at the moment.

He settled on the couch next to Winston who had rested his head on his knee as Felix took out his work laptop and set it up on the coffee table. He clicked the Twitch icon on his bookmarked pages.

"Here we go...are you ready Winston?"

Winston only perked up his ears and blinked at him, confused but once he heard Lenne's voice from the laptop, his tail started to wag in excitement. 

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