7. Lilia attacks

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Lance is now human. Now He needs to stop Killian and Save Walter.

Walter wakes up with a terrible headache in a laboratory full of killer robots. When he tries to move, he realized he is handcuffed to a loose tube behind his back. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot let go, he hears a footsteps approaching, He looks up and there he is, he cannot deny that he is scared but he is strong.

Walter: Lance is going to stop you and save everyone.

Killian: *Smile sideways* I'll be waiting for you, if he manages to survive they won't find it! Now my angel-

Killian approaches and picks up by the collar Killian: One by one these agents are going to die and because of what I investigated about you, you are not a murderer like Lilia, are you? You better cooperate and talk or it will be the way-

Walter kicks him in the balls

Walter: I'm not going to tell you anything! The agents are strong enough to defend themselves and Lance can handle this, so no! I will not speak-

Killian grabs Walter's neck

Killian: You will regret it! You asked for it!

He throws him to the floor abruptly. Walter fell on his back and got on top of him and lifted his chin.

Lance was looking for his Boyfriend Walter. There's a red light blocked by a wall glass of 9 Of Sasin. Lance is so close and input the wall and hearing Killian raped Walter.

Walter: No, no stop!

Lance: (whisper) Holy shit.

There's a drone attacked Lance and Lance tries to stop it.

Killian touches Walter's chest

Walter: Stop! Aa-agh!

Killian slide off Walter's shirt and his lips starts getting closer from Walter's neck. Killian: (whispers) You asked for it. Killian smiled, He looks like a vampire and tries to bite Walter's neck.


Killian stops.

Lance: Do not rape this kid, you Bastard.

Walter: Lance! Help!

Killian: But I know you. Don't forget about it. I'm not a dumb ass.

Killian grabs Walter.

Killian: I've never play with this cute boy. Walter is mine and you were magnificent, all of fancy toys just boom.

Walter: What did he fired me and Lilia hates everyone is Lance's fault, not mine. It's my job to keep everyone safe!

Lance: Walter, I'm am sorry, I'm such dick when I'm being a pigeon.

Killian: Everyone. One of my people die with rage and violence. He took everything from me. And you know the rules. You hit me hard, Sterling.

Killian uses and the data base, holding Walter with his arm.

Everyone was eliminated, suddenly Lilia appears with red eyes and change her blue core to red.

Lance: Lilia?

Walter looked at Lilia what he did to her.

Killian: I hit back harder. All of of this, because of you Lance.

All drones are spotted at Lance. Walter: No! Don't do this, Please.

Killian: Kill Him.

Lilia pulls her gun. Lance: Wait. Wait-

Lilia shoots Lance in the ground.

Walter: NOOOOOO! Please! Lance! (crying) Lance, Please! Help Me!

Killian: Sleepy Night Night.

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