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" milk, cereal, eggs.. " i mumbled to myself quietly, trying to memorize the grocery list my mom had gave me.

we didn't need much, but i had a shit memory and i can't read her handwriting at all, so i tried my best to just repeat what she'd said to me.

i continued to talk to myself as i wandered aimlessly through the store, scanning the items. i had absolutely no idea where anything was so it took me a while.

i leaned forward to grab a couple sodas for myself when i felt a figure looming over me.

" are you finding everything oka-? " a male voice spoke and i jumped so high i almost dropped my eggs.

" holy motherfuck don't do that- " i gasped, staring at the other person. he had dirty blonde hair that fell slightly over his eyes, and a nametag that read 'simon.'

he seemed just as shocked as i was and blinked. for a second he looked like he was holding back laughter, but quickly he put on a worried expression.

" im very sorry about scaring you, are you finding everything okay? " he asked in his customer service voice.

" um- yea, yea- it's fine. sorry about sort of cussing you out.. " i paused, then remembered i still needed groceries. " oh um, where's the seasoning isle? " i asked awkwardly. jeez, i'm definitely going home embarrassed.

" right over here, " he gave me a small smile and led me to another isle that was only one over. i thanked him, and he walked away.

that definitely could've gone worse. granted, it was incredibly awkward, but yea, it could've been worse.

as i thought more about the encounter, i realized he looked around the same age as me. jesus, i really hope he's not going to the same school as me. i don't think i would be able to survive the awkward tension.

i finally grabbed what i needed and headed to the register. i hesitated a little but placed my stuff down. simon was the cashier too, apparently.

" are you like the only person who works here? " i questioned sort of jokingly, trying to relieve some tension as he scanned my groceries and slid them along the belt.

" yes. "

oh. yikes.

definitely just made this situation even worse.

i cleared my throat awkwardly and stood there, waiting for him to finish. finally, he did and i took my stuff and paid. i could've set a record for how fast i left the store and drove home.


" y/n! "

i tried to ignore the sounds of my mother yelling at me and shoved my head under a pillow.


fucks sake..

i slid my miserable self out of bed and walked downstairs to face her.

" it's almost eight! you have school today, remember? " she was hurriedly shoving things into her bag, all while trying to chug a cup of coffee.

i stared at her as she rushed.

" well, i'm not the only one who got up late.. " i mumbled. she shot me an angry glare and headed to the front door.

" get ready and get to school. now. "

with her final words she slammed the door, and i could hear her car start and drive away.

rolling my eyes i went back upstairs to get dressed and ready.


the drive to school was about as boring as you'd expect, and honestly so was getting my schedule.

i didn't even get a tour of the school or shown to my first class, i was just handed a paper and sent out. guess i wasn't living my "y/n" moment this morning.

the hallways were full of chatter and the smell of horny teenagers. i found my locker quite easily, and was honestly relieved.

it was tucked into a slight corner next to a support beam, perfectly blended in so that i wasn't very noticeable by people walking by. just how i liked it. the lock was broken though, but that didn't really matter. who would steal a bunch of algebra books anyway?

as i was putting my stuff away, a familiar voice in the crowd caught my attention.

" dude, yesterday this person came into the store and i scared the shit out of them. you should've seen it, it was hilarious- i was all ' hi how can i help you? ' and they flipped their shit! i probably would've gotten reported and fired if i laughed- and believe me i wanted to! "

simon. from the grocery store. talking about me.


his voice drew closer until i realized he was right next to me. he was talking to two girls, a brunette with curly hair, and the other had black hair that was tied into a neat ponytail.

i guess i was staring at them and i didn't notice, because a locker was slammed right in my face.

" what? " the brunette snapped, raising her eyebrow at me. i froze, trying to think of something to say other than ' im eavesdropping '

" deena, " the other girl whispered, i think trying to calm her down.

" hey, guys- this is who i'm talking about, the person from the store! sorry about her, she's dealing with a breakup- "

" simon!"

" sorry- "

the simon i was talking to now seemed so much different than the one i was talking to at the store. he seemed so.. full of life. but i guess when you work in retail it's easy to die inside when you're there.

" oh, it's fine- i get it. " i smiled slightly at deena, and thankfully she didn't stay mad for long. she stared at me for a moment, then sighed, and walked off.

i think that's a good thing? i wasn't entirely sure.

feeling slightly out of place now, i began to turn on my heel and begin making my way towards my next class. that was, before a hand was placed on my shoulder, stopping me.

i turned around to see simon. the black haired girl was standing behind him with a quizzical look on her face.

" hey hey wait- you're new right? lemme see your schedule, " before i could respond he snatched it out of my hands and read over it quickly. " we have home room together! kate's in it too, so is deena- im guessing you don't know where it is so i'll show you! "

i blinked. he talked very fast and sounded very enthusiastic. it was slightly annoying, but i guess i should be happy since now i'll have actual friends here.

" okay, " i simply responded, and he grinned. simon handed me my schedule back which i folded and put into my pocket, then walked with me to home room.

him and kate started to talk about something about a candy store, but i wasn't paying much attention. i was people watching around the halls. i noticed that people here generally seemed.. nicer. not completely nice, but nicer than sunnyvale.

we reached the classroom and got in our seats. thankfully the teacher skipped over my awkward class new student introduction, and i spent the time talking to simon, kate, and deena.

when school ended, i actually felt kind of.. lonely. it was nice having friends who actually cared about you. i know i only met them today, but they seemed like good friends.

i think i'm going to like it here in shadyside.

𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰! || simon k. [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon