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my first day at a new highschool was yesterday, and honestly it didn't go too bad. i've got three new friends and i'm not being harassed whenever i walk the halls. it's a nice feeling.

it was the second day now, and i was honestly excited. don't get me wrong i hated school as much as the next person, but i just really wanted to hang out with deena, kate, and simon.

when i got up in the morning, my mom was already at work, which left me alone to get dressed, eat breakfast, and everything else. i managed to get to school a little early, so i put my stuff in my locker and headed to the bathroom.

i washed my hands and dried them, and was caught off guard by kate and simon walking into the bathroom.

" y/n! hey! " simon grinned, walking up beside me while kate entered and empty stall and was reaching for the vent.

i smiled at him, and said hi back, then turned my attention to kate. she had brought a box over and placed it onto the sink.

" what's that? " i questioned.

" candy store. " she replied nonchalantly while opening it. inside was a variety of pill bottles. my eyes widened a little.

" you guys sell drugs? " now- i wasn't one to judge. sometimes you have to do things that aren't necessarily 'nice' to get by. i was just a little shocked.

" it's only temporary. we're saving up to get out of this place and start a new life somewhere. don't know where, just any place but here. it's a shithole. " simon explained, crossing his arms.

i squinted, glancing between the two of them. " you two.. " i trailed off a little. the way they were acting yesterday didn't seem like a couple at all, but maybe i just have poor intuition.

kate stared at me for a second before realizing. " oh- oh! no, no- we're not dating, " she laughed awkwardly. " we're more like best friends. also sort of siblings. " she gave me an awkward smile.

" oh shit- sorry the way you worded it just made it seem like that. " i laughed a little, and thankfully so did she and simon.

" it's fine, it happens a lot. " she went back to the box and sorted through the pill bottles and such, counting them. meanwhile, simon was talking to me.

" so, what do you think of shadyside? you probably used to live in a mansion or something back in sunnyvale. "

" i actually lived in a house pretty similar to the one im in now, " i responded " minus the jacuzzi, walk in closet, pool, butlers.. " i listed off with a small smirk on my face.

his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. kate even stopped counting and looked at me in shock.

" seriously!? "

" no, " i laughed, and i could tell kate got annoyed, which made me laugh harder. simon slapped my shoulder lightly.

" you suck, " he said with a small laugh.

just then, the bell rang, signaling home room. i'd probably be getting an actual assignment today, which sucked.

kate put the box back into the vent, and the three of us left to meet up with deena and head to class.


i closed the door lightly and tossed my keys onto the table as i walked inside my home. the lights were all off, so i figured mom was still at work.

the house was incredibly quiet, which made me a little uneasy, so i made some mac and cheese to distract myself, which worked pretty well.

after a while i got bored and watched some reality tv show, when finally i heard the keys jingle and the front door open.

" y/n? " my mom called, and i pushed myself off the couch. i walked to the front door and gave her a small smile.

" hey mom, how was work? " i asked.

" fine- this new place is a lot nicer than sunnyvale. a lot less cheating husbands. " she huffed, and i frowned. " though on a lighter note, i met this woman who seemed very sweet! her name was victoria i think. she has a daughter your age, and was also telling me about a boy your age too, who lives with them because of his parents not being very wealthy, " she rambled on.

it sounded slightly familiar, but i decided not to push. if i did, mom would be talking about this lady the rest of the night.

" interesting.." i said, nodding slightly. i started to try and sneak to my room, however she stopped me.

" -which also reminds me, the grocery store you went to the other day is hiring! you should get a job so you can help around the house more. go down there tomorrow, please. " she smiled.

ugh, great. the last thing i wanted was a job, after the awful mcdonald's shifts i'd been through. i sighed.

" alright.. " i mumbled and walked up to my room finally.

collapsing onto my bed with a huff, i closed my eyes. tomorrow was saturday so thankfully i could sleep in, but i still had to go to the store and apply. at least i'd be working with simon i guess.


well, today was the day. time to get a job and do something with my life.

i'd already eaten breakfast and got dressed, so all i really needed to do was actually go down there.

" mom, i'm going to the grocery store! " i yelled upstairs to my mom who was definitely still sleeping.

after no response, i shrugged and left the house anyways.

seeing as the store was only a couple blocks away, it didn't take me very long to get there and park. i made my way inside, and browsed the aisles looking for simon. thankfully he was working, but honestly i'd be kind of worried if he wasn't.

" welcome to- oh, y/n, hey! " he grinned at me once he saw me, and i returned the smile.

" hey simon! " i called. i walked up to him, watching as he restocked the shelf.

" hey, since we're friends now, i can give you a discount on stuff- what did you need? " he asked, glancing at me a few times as he placed cans.

" actually, about that.. are you guys hiring? "

he seemed genuinely shocked that i asked him that, and stared at me.

" y/n. why in the hell would you want to work here? of all places? "

i shrugged.

" my mom wants me to. besides, you're probably lonely as hell here. didn't you tell me you're the only one who works here? "

" well- yea, but the manager works here too. "

" i don't see him.. i noticed your employee of the month pictures by the way- if you've been that for what, six months? there's no way you can't hire people. especially with how understaffed it is here. " i crossed my arms, leaning against the shelf.

" fine, fine. iyou'll regret it though. it's so slow here it makes me want to die sometimes. "

" well now you'll have someone to talk to, at least! " i smiled.

" yea i guess you're right. come on. "

he picked up the empty cardboard box and led me to the back storage room, where he threw it in the trash. he showed me around a little and explained some of the things i'd need to learn. it all seemed fairly easy, but it wasn't all of it.

" thank you, "

" don't mention it- also, i'll talk to the manager tomorrow, and you'll probably have to come in for training the next day. sound good? "

i gave him a thumbs up, and walked to the exit. i had a gut feeling of excitement, which i usually never felt about getting jobs.

as i exited the store, i yelled out.

" thanks again simon! "

" no problem! " he responded with a wave, which made me smile.

that night i went to bed, semi-exhausted but excited for the oncoming days. life here was better in two days than it was in my entire life in sunnyvale.

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