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A/N: Okie so Race is trans because that's basically canon at this point and there's pregnancy in this fic hehehe. And it's modern day but yall already guess that. Also lol there's a couple of timeskips in this but it's just because it wouldn't work without them. And small mentions of ED's but nothing detailed, it's only brief, and mentions of periods too, but that's not detailed either

SHIP: Sprace (Spot/Race)

Spot and Race were six months into their relationship and things were going way better than both of them had anticipated. They'd had no break ups, no real fights and it seemed like nothing could ever go wrong with these two. They shared a small apartment in Lower Manhattan surrounded by everyone who meant something to the duo. Albert, Finch, Elmer and Jojo were two floors down in the same complex and Jack and Davey were just a few streets down in a small house. The rest of the Newsies, however, were spread across the rest of the city. If Spot could've had things his way, him and his boyfriend would've been living in Brooklyn, but they were close enough that it was only a half an hour drive from his hometown, so it was a compromise he could live with. 

Race woke up early one August morning with the worst nausea he had ever felt. He got up and rushed to the bathroom, making it there in just enough time to throw up without making a complete mess of the bathroom. Unfortunately, their one bedroomed apartment was very small, so Spot could hear the whole thing unfold at 5am; it was just what he wanted to wake up to. 

Spot sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes, groaning at the headache he'd achieved from a full nights worth of drinking. He looked at the clock and the small glowing numbers showed 05:03. 

"Great" He sighed, yawning and stretching as he sat up. Race whimpered quietly and that was when Spot got worried. He knew his boyfriend had quite a high tolerance for pain so if he was making a big deal out of throwing up then it must've been quite bad for him. Spot got up and plodded to the bathroom where he saw his boyfriend on the floor, one arm clutching his stomach and the other was on the toilet, creating a cushion for his head.  "Hey, hey Racer, what's going on?" He asked quietly, sitting down in front of him. All Race could do was whimper quietly in response "Baby" Spot and Race hardly ever used cute nicknames for eachother, "I need to know what's going on".

"H-Hurts..." He gasped, clutching his stomach tighter. He hated throwing up and was trying to not throw up, which was probably making his pain a whole lot worse. 

"Okay. Is it your stomach that hurts? Do you feel like you need to throw up?" Spot asked, pushing his hair out of his face. Race nods and sat up, leaning back against the wall. "Deep breaths, Racer" He whispered, playing with his hair gently. Race started taking a few slow, deep breaths, and it did help with his pain slightly, until he lurched forward and threw up into the toilet again. Once he had finished he felt quite a bit better and laid down with his head in his boyfriends lap as Spot played with his hair. "How about you go back to bed and I'll clean up in here, okay?" He said softly as he picked Race up bridal style. He placed him down on the bed and went back into the bathroom to clean. 

A few hours later Spot woke up with his boyfriend in his arms, snoring softly. He smiled and kissed his head softly before getting up slowly. He tried his best to not wake him up, but Race ended up waking up anyway. "Morning, Racer" He smiled slightly, sitting back down on the bed next to him "How are you feeling?". Race gave him a 'shut the fuck up you know how I feel' look and flopped back down, face first onto the pillow. "Okay... I'll just go eat pancakes by myself then" he said, smirking slightly because he knew that would get him out of bed. 

A short while later Spot heard rustling coming from their room and Race emerged wrapped in a blanket. He sat down at the dining table where his pancakes were already waiting for him. Spot finished making his and then joined him, sitting opposite him. "So I take it you're feeling better then?" He asked, pushing his food around his plate slightly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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