Dwelling Intricacy: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The turmoil of emotions comes over me. The pain clenching in my heart intensifies each bloody moment.

The pain I see in my baby sisters eyes hurts so much. The minute I get the phone call my smarty pants of a sister knew something is very wrong. I didn’t even need to tell her. She somehow drew her own conclusions. The minute I hang up she numbly falls limp in my arms.

Tears welling up in her eyes keep falling down as a fountain on her cheeks. Suddenly she trembles in my arms. Her sobs getting louder by each passing minute, she trashes her arms on my chest.

“I want Asha! Bring her back to me.” She bellows. “Alec I want Asha and Zach home with me. Bring the back to me.”

The sudden change in my life has caused uproar of my emotions cloaking my throat enabling my speech.  The shock of it is causing me to lose trail of my thoughts and wits. I probably couldn’t have answered her anyways.

The shrill ring of the telephone breaks me from my inner battle. Luckily the phone was right beside me. So I grab the phone and put it close to my ear.

“Hello.” I yell into the phone making sure that the caller has taken note of my displeasure of this phone call.

“Hello to yourself. What the hell is going on? Why didn’t you let me know of Zach’s death? What’s the news reporter saying that Billionaire Alec Callaghan’s twin brother and wife have been killed in an unfortunate accident? Didn’t in that big head of yours thought to give a call to your sister and tell her of this. If it’s true then what were you waiting for ... Christmas?” Lara demands angrily. I can picture her wringing her hands in agitation whenever someone doesn’t inform her immediately.

“Slow down sis. Take a deep breath. This isn’t something we should talk over the phone. To answer your question, yes both Zach and Asha have met in a terrible accident. Both had an accident at different times. Asha just had her accident four to five hours ago.”

“Where the hell where you and why was she driving past midnight?” Lara questions as well as scolds me.

“As I said Lara, this is not something we will talk over the phone about but, in person.”

“Alright, I should get home really soon.”

“WTF!!! You’re here?” I said incredulously.

“Yes. I am in the cab heading home.”

“You left your baby and husband to come here?”

“Of course not, they are here with me.” At the cue I hear a baby crying in the background. 

“Are you crazy? Why the hell did you come here for? It’s not safe. Catch the damn plane home.  If it was only you than I could have figured something out but, Darren and baby Lyra. No tell the Cab driver to take you back to the airport. I pay you back for your travel expenses since you came here for no reason.”

“No way in hell I am leaving. By the way I am outside near the gates. It’s crowded with paparazzi.” She informs me. “Dare honey, call the cops.” I hear her tell Darren. 

“Great.” I said sarcastically.  “No need to call the cops. I’ll come outside with my bodyguards they will take care of this mess in a bit.”

“Perfect. Once we settle down you have a lot of explaining to do especially Dare needs to know why Asha was outside at that time. He wants an explanation about his little sister’s death.”

“I know.” I sigh. Drag my hand through my hair roughly. “Lara honestly, a lot has happened. I lost my brother and wife in a day. What more hell do I need to get through?!”

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