Dwelling Intricacy: Chapter 6: Part 1

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Chapter 6

The brogue of his European accent is so sweet like music to my ears. His musical voice hits the right chords of my heart. Shamelessly blushing like a high school girl when a foreign student talks to you for the first time. Actually more like when a gorgeous guy like this stranger actually acknowledges you more over takes the first step to talk you.

My cheeks feel so hot I’m sure my face must be tomato red.

“I’m alright, thank you.” I said breathlessly. Thank God my voice didn’t waver from the way his eyes are scanning my face.

“Good, Good. You must have been in a rush to go somewhere sugar that you didn’t see me.” He said with a chuckle.

“Yes, yes that reminds me that I need to go downstairs my family must be waiting for me.” I said. Finally I got my composer back. I act all prim like the secretary down at Alec’s office. I can’t imagine if she ever left her guard down. All the years I have known her working there she never laughs. She only gives half smiles. When she gave me a genuine smile of hers I thought something must have happened that she is so happy about.

Getting back to the present, I give him a half smile and said, “Thank you once again.” Then was about to rush off before I make a fool of myself again when the outrageously handsome stranger grabbed my hand.

“Not so fast querida.Not without telling me your name.”

“Oh yes, of course. My name is...”  I quickly rack a name from my head since this exile is to keep RD away from us and I finally come up with... “Anya McGregor.” 

“What a beautiful name for a gorgeous woman like yourself. My name is Dante Salvatore.”

“Nice to meet you Dante now I really need to get back to my hus–” When a little girl’s yell cuts me off.

“Mama!” A girl yells. Hurried footsteps run up and the little girl is no other than Chloe. “Mama.” She said again and ran up to me right into my arms.

“Mama, Daddy is waiting for us. Let’s hurry.” She tugs onto my arms and starts walking towards where the elevators are.

“Chloe...” I was about to tell her off for ignoring the gentleman here when my husband decided to make his presence known.

“Darling I’ve been waiting for so long. The breakfast I ordered has gotten cold now. The nice waitress is going to bring another fresh breakfast for you.” Alec paused then turned his attention to Chloe. “Sweetheart, will you stop tugging onto your mother’s hands. She’s coming now with us. Oh my bad, I see you’ve made acquaintance with my wife,” his eyes glaring hotly at where Dante’s hand rest lightly upon my arm. 

He let’s go of my arm and starts clearing his throat. Hmm ... Alec has gotten to him. “Yes, I have Anya was just about to leave when you came here. You have good timing my friend.” He said with sudden steel in his voice. What happen to his sweet voice?

“Yes I do, I seem to have a good intuition when it comes to having people I don’t like around my family and coming at the right time to stop them getting any friendlier.” My husband said with such venom I am surprised he had in his nice nature. 

To stop a brawl from happening right before my eyes I hurriedly walk infront of Alec shielding Dante or Alec from killing each other. I thought we will try to keep low key so Red Death will have such a hard time looking for us, so much of that happening when Alec is radiating bloodlust.

God what name do I call Alec when I changed my name so should his. There are many little girls by the name of Chloe so it didn’t matter for her. But I sure do need to change his. Alexis. Alex for short. Yes, Alex is perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2011 ⏰

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