Dwelling Intricacy: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Well I did leave in a lot of anger so I didn’t know how far I went but, I did go very far. Luckily I didn’t leave human civilization. Unfortunately RD is after us so we need to be careful, you know what I mean right?”

“Yes I do but, Asha where are you?”

“I honestly don’t know. You know how bad I am in directions.”

“Yeah, that’s true. So what are we going to do now? Tell me. Have any ideas?

“Well how about a few more miles away from you know where?”

She doesn’t need to explain what she means from ‘you know where’ incidentally when we were younger and something bad happened we refrain from using the exact word it was. Therefore the only bad thing that happened that we both know is the accident.  


“Good so all is sorted out, I’m leaving now as a matter of fact I am heading out from wherever I am.”

“Good, good.” I stride out with Chloe strapped at my hip and Christian following behind my heels. Dare not too far behind as well.

“Alec care to enlighten me of your bizarre conversation with my sister.” Dare drawls out with a hint of anger. He doesn’t like to be left out of the loop. The funny thing is that I tower him by a few feet and he doesn’t feel at least intimidated. Like brother like sister. Asha is exactly the same. 

“Now isn’t the time. Each second counts and I need to get to my wife before RD does.” I tell him bluntly.  I turn around to look at him on how serious this is.

“Oh all right.” He puts his hands in the air.

“Good so let’s go.”

A few minutes later putting Chloe in the back seat with her seat belt on and Dare in the back with her. In the middle seats Christian and a bodyguard are seated. It’s a black BMW SUV with black tinted windows. I am in the driver seat driving out of the garage and pass the gates.

We made arrangements of more enforcements trailing behind us in a less obvious way. It will also make sure no one follows us. Dare will be in close contact with security enforcement while I am on the phone with Asha making sure everything is going along the plan. 

She keeps reminding me of that she is perfectly fine and honestly I can’t help but be worried.  Things are very fragile right now. One wrong step and I will lose everything. I can’t afford to do so.

I really need to know why Red Death wants me dead and if I need to play with fire I will. But not on life of some else in my family, Zachary is all the warning I needed to take a step. This Red Death asshole needs to step out of the Shadows and fight with me. Not behind Asha or Chloe. He already killed my brother. He really underestimated me. Now I will show him what will happen to him when he messes with Alec Callaghan.

There will be no place for him to hide from that I won’t be able to take him out of. If I have to go to hell and kick him out then I will.

This must be a grudge that built up all over the years since no one can pull something like this without a lot of planning. This is no work of an amateur. I will need all the help I can get. Not that I will need to ask. 

We came near the accident area and heading a few miles further. I slow done a bit to make sure I don’t miss her.

“Asha I am there now. Do you see me?”

“No... Yeah now I see you.”

“Is the van close to you?”


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