Chapter one

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"Bye princess we will see you in a little while!" Brendon said kissing our beautiful baby girl on her forehead "And thank you Cathy for watching her." He said giving my mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Anytime honey!" She said kissing him back on his cheek "I'm happy to watch her so you two can finally have a date night!" My mom smiled and waved to me "Bye baby!" my mom said to me. She is probably the nicest lady anyone could ever meet!

"Bye mama! I love you!" I said blowing her a kiss "And as for you little miss," I said getting down to Scarlet's height "You be good for grandma and come give me a hug!" I held out my arms for her to run in. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her and gave me a big hug. God I love this child! I kissed her on the cheek and let go of her.

"Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!" She said waving at us we waved back and left. As me and Brendon walked down the driveway to our car he came and held my hand and kissed it. I am so madly in love with him! We didn't need to tell each other it either. We already knew. He opened the car door for me and I got in putting my seat belt on and grabbed the aux cord. I put on a random playlist while Brendon started the car.

"Where are we going babe?" I asked turning to him and holding his free hand. "I was thinking La Forêt." He said smiling I smiled back. "You mean the place we went for our first date!?" I asked already knowing the answer. He nodes his head and kissed my hand.

-•At the restaurant•-

"Babe this is amazing!" I said holding his hand in the middle of the table. When our waitresse came up she noticed Brendon instantly.

"Oh my god your Brendon and Liv Urie, right!?" She said looking at us with pure joy. Wow I guess she recognized me also.

"No I'm sorry you have the wrong people!" Brendon said sarcastically me and her both laughed. "Yes that's us." I said smiling at her and looked at her name tag. Her name was Laura.

"Can I get a picture with you guys!?" She asks pulling out her phone. "Ash!" She yelled at another waitress.

"Aaah what!?" The other waitress said rushing over to us. "Oh are these the people you always talk and obsess about?" She said nudging Laura. Laura just nudged her back blushing. We took the picture with her and ordered our food.

"Its crazy." I said to Brendon taking this all in.

"What?" Brendon said with a chuckle.

"All this!" I said motioning to everything around me. "One day I'm sitting at the park alone and this tall handsome man comes up to me and starts to talk to me." I say taking a break still taking in how greatful and lucky I am.

"Mmh I'd like to here more about this man." He said with a smirk.


I hear my parents fighting in the other room about something random. There relationship has gotten to a point where they fight about everything! I walk out into the kitchen to see them fighting in there. They stop for a moment.

"I'm going to the park" I say trying not to make eye contact.

"Oh okay sweetie have fun! I love you!" My mom says in a shaky voice I could tell she's crying.

"Cathy you mean to tell me your just going to let our daughter go out and be a little slut!?" He asked all up in her face and yelling.

"Rich its just the park she'll be fine." My mom says calmly to stay strong and not yell or cry in front of me.

"Ha!" He says. "I bet that little bitch isn't even still a virgin!" He said chuckling rudely still in my moms face. I look at my mom and she looks at me and mouths "go" then she starts to cry. I want to stay and help her but I know she wouldn't want that. I run out crying and go to the park down the street from my house. I sit on the swing with my face in my hands then look up and take in the scene. This is my favorite place to escape its nice and peaceful no one ever comes here anymore. I look down at my arm and trace my new cuts with my fingers.

"Hey." A voice says out of nowhere. I look up to see a boy with darkish brown hair, he is tall, wearing skinny jeans and a black hoodie. He was perfect.

"Hey." I said back giving a small smile. I hurried and pulled down my sleeve.

"Can I sit?" He asked pointing to the swing next to me. I nodded my head and just looked at my feet.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked. I could feel him looking at me.

"Its rough at my house." I said still looking down. "You wouldn't understand."

"Actually I do." He said "I'm here for the same reason." He gave me a half smile. Then thats when I looked up at him. He just nodded and looked in front of him. I turned my head also. We sat in silence for about 10 minutes before speaking.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked. I nodded my head not really wanting to talk.

"Can I see your arm?" He asked looking at my pulled down sleeves. My head shot up in worry but for some reason I let him.

-•End of flashback •-

We ate our food and waited for our dessert.

"How about we skip the dessert and get a hotel room?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Let's get it to go." I insisted. "It will taste good afterwards." I said smirking at him.

"Not as good as you." He said smirking back. We smiled at each other and got ready to go. I though about his little joke and laughed. Brendon has always made little dirty remarks like that. We get our stuff in a to go boxes and leave.

Where do we BeginNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ