Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When I open my eyes I am greeted by a blinding light. I try to shield my eyes but to no avail, they have been strapped down. I allow my vision to focus and look around the room that I am currently in. How did I get here? Where am I?

"I see you are finally awake." A voice says. I try to locate the voice and soon a figure moves to my range of sight, it's Saturn.

"Where am I?" I ask

"You're in my experimenting lab." He says with a cold grin.

"W-why?" I ask

"Well I tried to wake you but you wouldn't open your eyes so it was easier to carry you here without having you struggle to get the restraints on." He explained.

I squirm around to try and break free of the restraints. "You're not going to accomplish anything." He said.

I stop struggling. "What are you going to do to me?" I ask trying to hide the fear that dwells in my tone.

"Well I'm going to see just how much pain you can endure before moving on to the first stages of my experiments." He says. "I'm not going to lie to you deary, this is going to hurt."

Right as he finished his sentence a jolt was sent throughout my body. I screamed in pain and agony, for it felt as if someone had just plunged a knife deep within my chest and it manage to go straight through till the blade appeared on my back. While I was enduring all of this I could sense Saturn observing everything through his thick framed glasses and jotting down notes on that clip board of his. The pain did not stop, instead it grew with intensity. I screamed as loud as my vocal cords would let me, hoping that somebody would hear and come rescue me. Tears were running down my cheeks, what could be causing all of this pain? What machine could have been created to cause so much pain? I didn't get my answer anytime soon since my eyes were closed shut to try and endure the pain. It felt like an eternity had gone by when the pain finally stopped.

"Incredible you lasted ten minutes without passing out, the other children have not been capable of such length of time with this pain." I finally opened my eyes and noticed him jotting down some more notes. I looked around the room and noticed something hanging above me, it looked like a laser from some of the stories that Saturn would read to me before I went to bed. Now instead of listening to those sci-fi stories, I am living in a horror novel.

"Phenomenal, I must continue with testing, only this time lets see if you can endure twenty minutes of this." He says and the pain starts again. I scream out once more but before I can shut my eyes I notice that the device is shooting out some form of electricity that seems to be causing my pain. I didn't have the chance to get a good look at it before my eyes shut tight and I began to grit my teeth to try and fight the pain. After a while of multiple tests and time under the device that caused so much pain I finally gave in. At the end of the examination I lasted forty-five minutes of excruciating pain before blacking out. When I opened my eyes again I noticed that I was back in the ward, I look around and see that at least two of the eight kids were gone but Jake was still here.

"Your awake." He says with a smile

I stare at him and notice that he has a couple of bandages on his arms and hands. "W-what happened to you?" I tried to ask but it only comes out as a frail whisper.

"Take it easy, you went through a lot and you need to rest." He says.

I try to move my arms but they are so numb struck that I can't tell if their moving or not. "You've got some strength in ya kid." I hear Tim say.

"Shut up Tim, she doesn't wanna hear it." Says Jake.

"Tsk, the scientists are going crazy, even more than they already are. Going on about how Saturn has a test subject that went forty-five minutes without passing out." He says.

"What of it? Besides doesn't Saturn have two test subjects, it could be the other one." Says Jake.

"Not anymore, Shelly was his first test subjects and she became her second but we all know what happened to Shelly." Explains Tim.

"Kch, whatever just... Just drop it already." Says Jake. "Don't listen to anything he says, Shelly is fine and we'll be too." Part of me really wants to believe that but all of the kids here have gone through the same pain I have.

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