Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I'm being wheeled back to the ward after another round of tests. This is my fourth one and I'm actually becoming use to the pain, that's probably what they want though. Saturn is the one taking me back to the ward and he has the biggest smile on his face. It scares me as to how these people don't think of their actions as being wrong.

"I have some good news for you my dear, you will no longer be put through those painful tests." He says

This was extremely good news in my case. "Really?" I ask.

"Yes, you will move on to stage one." He says.

"What's stage one?" I ask.

"You'll find out in three days." He says

At least I'll be able to get some rest before I have to endure whatever it is that they are planning for me. "How many stages are there?" I ask.

"Three stages." He answers

"Has anyone ever gotten to the third stage?" I ask.

"Why don't you ask the other?" He replies as he opens the door to the ward. All of the kids heads turn to face me and Jake approaches us. He picks me up from the wheelchair and carries me to my bed. The door closes and were locked in here yet again.

"So how was it?" Asks Tim.

"It didn't hurt as much this time to be honest." I answered.

"How long did you last?" He asks.

"Four hours and fifteen minutes." I replied as Jake sat me down on my bed.

"Can someone really last that long?" Asks a girl named Penny who arrived here a while later than Jake.

"Apparently she can." Says Matt a boy who replaced one of the other test subjects.

"She's a freak." I hear one of the twins say.

"Shut up Gage." Says Jake. The twins Gage and Sage arrived here before Penny but after Jake.

"Am I lying though?" He asks as he stands up and approaches my bed. "Has there ever been anyone else that has been able to last that long?" He asks.

"No but there's going to be." Says Tim.

"What?" Asks Jake.

"She lasted four hours and fifteen minutes, I'll beat that." He says.

"This isn't some kinda competition Tim." Says Jake.

"And what makes you think you can beat it? You've been here longer than us and I'm surprised that a newbie has even made it this far." Says Gage.

"I know I can beat it, I've just been holding back." Says Tim.

"Oh really? Or are you just mad that someone is beating you?" Taunts Gage as he now approaches Tim's bed.

"I don't want to beat anyone!" I yell.

Everyone turns their head towards me. "I don't know why I've been able to withstand the pain of the tests but what I do know is that I want to get out of here. If that means finishing the tests and completing the third stage then I'll do it." I say.

"How do you know about the stages?" Asks Tim.

"I'm starting stage one in three days." I say.

"What?" I hear Jake ask.

"I asked Saturn if anyone had reached the third stage but he said I should ask you guys." I say

Tim crosses his arms over his chest. "No, there hasn't. The only reason why I know about the stages is because Shelly made it to stage two but she didn't last long to make it to the last stage." He explains.

"And Shelly was here longer than you, Tim. So that means that she won't reach the third stage either." Says Gage as he turn to face me.

"Shut up Gage, you're just pissed at the fact that she's a lot stronger than you are. You can barely last thirty minutes." Says Jake.

"What did you just say?" Asks Gage with a hiss.

"I don't know why you are all trying to pick a fight with her? We're all on the same team here, we're all trapped here and instead of fighting each other we should be fighting the pricks outside making us go through this crap." He says.

Gage was about to say something but shut his mouth. The others had a hint of guilt in their eyes but I didn't bother to look deeper into the meaning of it. Gage then went back to his bed and the others soon picked up on other things to do. Jake laid down on his bed with his hands underneath his head.

"Thank you Jake." I mutter but loud enough for him to hear.

"You're welcome." He replies back.

That night Tim was taken by his scientist to complete the tests. I guess it was time to see if he could surpass my time. It wasn't until late after lights went out that Tim returned, normally he would come back awake but this time he didn't. I couldn't sleep so when they opened the door I was able to see him. I pretended to be asleep so they wouldn't get mad at me. Tim had different bandages on his arms and one around his forehead, he also seemed to be unconscious. I felt really sorry for Tim but a small side of me wondered how long he managed to last

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