Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*warning later on in the chapter scenes may become a bit graphic so .... Yeah

I managed to memorize the map and would call out directions for us to take at certain points. When Jake came back from his tests he dropped a pen that he managed to steal in the doorway so the door wouldn't lock. When the scientists left we waited a while just to make sure the coast was clear. We ran as quietly as possible through the facility and made sure to stop at certain points to make sure the cameras were still down.

"Do we plan on exiting through the main exit?" I ask.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because that's stupid." I say.

"Ok if you have a better idea, I'm all ears." He says.

I look back at the mental picture in my mind of the map and notice that there is an air vent that leads outside. "Follow me." I say as I make a sharp left.

We run for a couple of minutes before I hear something. "Wait a minute." I say.

"What is it?" He asks.

I listen carefully and notice that there was a camera near us. I focus on the camera and realize that it is coming online again.

"Run." I say and Jake doesn't waste a second before he starts running. I catch up to him and run in front of him to guide him to the vent. We reach the vent and he opens the lid. We crawl through the small space and as i am about to go further into the vent i hear a guards footsteps approaching.

"hurry." I say to Jake

"I'm trying." He says.

he moves on ahead and i try to continue but something grabs my leg. It was one of the guards.

"Get back here runt!" He yelled.

I struggled to get out of his grasp but to no avail.

"I won't go back!" I yell out and send a surge of energy from my hand to the guard.

"Arghh!" Cries out the guard in pain as he releases me. I quickly take this opportunity and continue to make my way through the vent. I catch up to Jake who stopped at another vent entrance.

"I think this is the way out." He says as he kicks the vent door. He exits the tunnel and I soon follow. Once I'm out I feel the fresh cool night air flow through my hair. I look up and see the stars in the sky, it looks to good to be true. We walk away from the facility and stop outside of the gate once we got past the guards.

"We did it." I say.

"Yeah." He says as he takes my hand. "You are absolutely amazing."

I shake my head. "I couldn't have done this without you." I say.

"Yes you could. Your powers are strong even if you know a few abilities." He says.

"I didn't necessarily asked for them but they do come in handy sometimes."

"Indeed they do my dear." I hear a too familiar voice say.

I quickly turn my head and see Saturn with some guards behind him and another scientist standing next to him.

"H-how?" I ask.

"Well it is not difficult to manipulate a machine but when it comes to the human mind, things get a bit complicated." He says. "So I teamed up with Max here, he was the one who would give me information on you and when I found out that you wanted to leave, I just had to use this opportunity to test out your abilities. Welcome to stage three."

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