Chapter 2

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Y/N watched as Owen fell down, quite a height, screaming loudly. Y/N's eyes followed him down. Owen splashed a huge wave onto the shore of the beach. Y/N walked down the cliff and heard as Chris yelled through the mega phone, "The winners! The screaming gophers!"

Y/N was told earlier by Chris that they could build their own hot tub, however Y/N would have to do it themselves. Y/N thought that it wouldn't be so hard, so they agreed to do it.

Y/N watched as the screaming gophers built their hot tub with ease, and the killer bass, not so much. Y/N started working on the hot tub, a little aways from the others pools. Y/N managed to successfully put the hot tub together. Y/N smiled underneath the hoodie covering their face.

Y/N sat in the hot tub, not changing clothes, and watched as Chris came to check out the hot tubs. After some analysis Chris decided that the screaming gophers won. Y/N got out of the hot tub and went to the cabin, to change. Y/N closed the door, making sure it wouldn't open and covered the windows before changing, to make sure the cameras weren't recording, Y/N put arranged the covers over the bed, so no one could see.

After changing Y/N put the room back to normal and sat at their PC. Y/N listened to music and about an hour later, Duncan walked into the cabin. He looked confused, as he heard music, but then saw Y/N sitting on the PC chair.

"Oh, hey Y/N. I didn't see you at lunch. I thought maybe you were-" Duncan got closer to them and paused the music. He heard light snoring, that was almost so quiet that you couldn't hear it, however it was really quite in the cabin.

Duncan wanted so badly to remove the hoodie blocking Y/N's face, however he didn't. 'Gotta respect the privacy I guess.' Duncan was sure he saw no cameras in the cabin and turned off Y/N's PC. He gently picked Y/N up, to his surprise, they were light. Duncan placed Y/N on their bed and figured, they'd be ok without the blanket with that hoodie on.

Duncan laid on his bed and decided to get that nap like he said before entering the cabin. He, and the rest of the killer bass would have to get rid of a teammate at the end of today.

Was for ZzzOoooEeee
Thank you for enjoying this book, I hope you like this chapter.

Should Y/N be a boy or girl? Originally Y/N was going to be a girl, but maybe I'll wait and see which one is more wanted.

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