Chapter 2

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I know if the bell wouldn't have rung, i would have been killed by David for commenting about his relationship status, but the loud sound of the start of class disrupted his response, and probably his punch.
Next class was biology, and to no ones suprise, we were learning about the human body and the reproductive system. We learn this every year like the fact we hear it more times is going to help somehow. I could already hear all the jokes about dicks and sex from the guys and how everybody else was annoyed at them, saying to shut up.

When we walked into class, the biology teacher already had the first slide showing, saying "Your body is changing and so are you". One of the fucking cheesiest titles i have ever seen. No one was about to take this seriously, but yet the teacher still tried. After the catastrophic failure that this subject was last year when some student said they had STD's and everyone, including the teacher flipped out, the rules of the class were a lot stricter, meaning the seating was too: boys with boys, girls with girls. And even tho Luela wanted to sit next to David, this was the only class she couldn't. So I took the spot next to him, leaving no space for her or him to send some stupid love letters to eachother.
And suprisingly, David didn't mind that, he was even happier when i sat next to him instead of the other guys.

When the lesson started, nothing seemed out of the normal: students were sitting quietly, chit-chating in whispers, discusing what they were going to get for lunch or what they're going to do after school with their friends or alone. No one was really paying attention, concidering the fact no one giggled or made a joke when the teacher mentioned intercourse and the human genitals. Well, everyone except David of course. Thought he didn't say the jokes out loud, he did write them on paper and pass them to me. It took everything in my body to not laugh out loud or at least giggle at the stupid sex jokes he would write me. It was fun, reading them and writing something back, maybe coming up with something myself once in a while. But the jokes started to turn into dares. David would write a joke and below it would say "i dare you to read this infront of the whole class or I will kick your foot" or "read this out loud or i'll spoil your fav show". Most of the time i just say the dirty joke, annoying the teacher yet amusing the class and my friends. The teacher would warn me and get on with the subject, but her patience was running out, and her usual warning turned into a threat.
- This is your last chance. Do that one more time and i'm sending you to the office.
That seemed to amuse the class more than Davids stupid little jokes, and he took great offence to that. So he tried harder. He tried to come up with better jokes, but i wasn't about get detention for some try-hard. He tried to convince me to tell them by making the dares even dumber: "i'll throw my pencil at you", "i'll draw a dick on the table and write your name next to it". It was clear he was getting desperate, but that didn't help his case since i just stayed silent. But then, as i was about to tell him to cut it out already, he got an evil, yet seducing grin on his face. And then, the note came:

"Moan out loud or i'll do it myself and say it was you."

-the note read.

"You wouldn't dare".

-i said as i prayed he didn't. But i should have known better. He did. And at that moment, the teacher just broke.

Everyone fell silent for a minute. No one has seen her this mad, ever, so the fact some teenagers broke her peaceful record really didn't sit well with everyone. I had no other choice but to walk out, and out of full frustration, i grabbed David by the collar, dragging him out of the class with me. A couple dozen eyes, staring us down as we walk out of the class, not a great feeling as you probably guessed by now. As i closed the door i heard the teacher say "anyone else want to try my patience?" and complete silence from the class.
I was PISSED. Not only did i get sent to the office, i wil probably get detention too. As i realised i was still draging David by his hoodie, i trew him onto the hallway floor.
- What the fuck was that for?! - he asked as if he just forgotten what mess he got us into.
- Dude, chill out! We just got sent to the office, it's no big deal.
- I'm sorry.. no big deal? - at this point i was getting FURIOUS.
- It's fine! I'll just get my mom to get us out.
I was taken by suprise by his responce.
- What..?
- I'll just tell my mom we were joking around and the teacher took it to seriously. Boom, free of charge. Besides, the teacher cursed which i doubt will play out nicely in her part. Not like anyone gives a shit, well, at least the students don't. Can't say the same for the other adults thought.
I didn't respond, and as he got up from the ground he continued.
- Besides, i doubt you want your parents getting called. My mom will be completely chill with getting you out of trouble, unlike yours probably.
Something in me hated that he knew what my family was like, yet couldn't say anything back since i knew he was right.
As we walked trought the halls, getting closer to the office, somting told me to say something to break the uncomfortable silence.
-..thank you.
- What? - David turned around, thowing me a confused look.
- Thank you! God, are you hard of hearing or something?
- Why would you thank m-
- Cause you said that you'll get your mom to get me out of this mess instead of mine.
I stayed silent for a few seconds, letting David process what I just said. As the thought of me making this into an awkward situation started roaming my mind, he spoke with a much softer tone than usual.
- Don't sweat it man, i know what your situation is like and if i can help at times like this, i do. Don't worry about it, i will always ask my family to help us out if needed. I always got your back and i hope you have mine. And besides, my family really likes you dude, they will never say no to having you around.

I always felt close to David, but never did i imagine being this close to him. And honestly..i enjoyed it. Having at least him besides me ment i could do anything. Wather that be a dumb prank or an emergency sleepover with his family and me with my sister when my mother would be high or my dad would have a chick home. Neither him or his family ever complained about my company and it felt great knowing you're welcome somewhere.

I love his company, his humor, his caring tone. I love everything about him. I love him..

[Writers note] YUHH, FINISHED CHAPTER TWO. Sorry that it took two fucking days- but i mean you still got a new chapter so =^
Anyways, sorry for the not so amazing ending for this chapter, i didn't really want to drag on for too long and this chapter already was really long so i decided that the next chapter is where the office part will be. Have a nice day, drink water, eat something and stay safe out there <3
(Also sorry for any grammar mistakes)

[Word count 1385]

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